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Two Gonabadi Dervishes Transferred To Ward 350 Of Evin Prison


yousef ali


Mr.Ali Mortezaee and Mr.Yousef Mohammad Rezaee were transferred from the Security Section 209 to Section 350 in Evin Prison.

According to Majzooban Noor reporter , After 3 weeks of detention and maintenance of Ali Mortezaee and Yousef Mohammad Rezaee in section 209 of Evin Prison ,they transferred to section 350 Evin prison yesterday Feb 01 , 2012 ( Bahman 12 , 1390 ) .

These Gonabadi dervishes were arrested on 11 January by security forces in their personal home but charge of the dervishes is not yet clear.

It should be noted that Mr.Ali Mortezaee , Mr.Yousef Mohammad Rezaee and Mrs. Simin Nematollahi three Gonabadi Dervishes in Tehran and also Mr.Kasra Nouri in Shiraz arrested at their homes on Wednesday Jun 11 (Dey 21 ).

Mrs. Simin Nematollahi who were arrested on charge of propaganda against the regime is still in the Section 209 of Evin Prison and kept in solitary confinement and Mr.Kasra Nouri is being held in Intelligence and Security office which is known as No 100 in Shiraz and his case is being pursued in branch 7 of the Revolutionary court of Shiraz and have been charged of spreading propaganda against the Iranian establishment ..