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Political Prisoners In Desperate Need Of Medical Care That Is Being Denied By Authorities



There are a number of political prisoners in Evin and Rejaei Shahr prisons in poor and in critical health condition. For many, their repeated medical furlough has been denied.

The majority of these political prisoners entered the prison system healthy, but most now suffer various ailments caused by torture, poor prison diet and the unsanitary prison environment.

Following are just a few of these cases reported in the last few days:

Mohamad Reza Motamednia:

Medical furlough and treatment continues to be denied for Iran-Iraq war veteran Mohamad Reza Motamednia incarcerated in Evin Ward 350. He suffers from gum disease and numbness and paralysis in his right hand.

The medical examiner and Evin physicians have recommended treatment outside of Evin for this Mousavi presidential campaign 88 activist, however, the prosecution office continues to deny him medical furlough.

Motamednia was arrested during the post election unrest. He was released on bail after being incarcerated in solitary confinement for two months.

He was tried and convicted of propaganda against the regime by Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court presided by Judge Pirabbasi.Motamednia. He was summoned to prison to serve his sentence on August 12, 2011.

This Mousavi campaign activist suffers from gum disease and spinal injuries due to pressure and tortures he received while incarcerated in Evin Ward 2-A (Sepah) solitary confinement.

Journalist Kayvan Samimi:

Despite recommendations by prison physicians for needed treatment outside of prison, Rejaei Shahr officials continue to deny transfer of Kayvan Samini to a hospital outside of prison.

Kayvan Samini, serving a six years sentence, has been incarcerated for over two years. Initially he was imprisoned in Evin before being transferred to Rejaei Shahr prison December of 2010.

Kayvan Samimi went on a hunger strike number of times during his incarceration, protesting various issues.

He suffers from liver condition and various other ailments.

Haniyeh Sane Farshi:
Haniyeh Sane Farshi serving her prison term in the women’s ward in Evin prison is in poor health. She is suffering from kidney problem and has bloody urine.

Haniyeh was tried, convicted and sentenced to seven years in prison in Branch 28 of the Revolutionary court, presided by Judge Moghayeseh on charges of blasphemy, insulting the Supreme Leader, propaganda against the regime and anti-national security acts.

Haniyeh was transferred to a hospital outside of prison for treatment sometime ago but after returning to prison her condition persisted and she now is in poor health.

Despite the fact that the Prosecution office has approved medical furlough for Haniyeh but court has not set bail as of yet, thus preventing her release on furlough.

During her interrogation sessions, Haniyeh was put under heavy physical and psychological pressure. She was incarcerated in solitary confinement for months.
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Source: Kalameh