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Gonabadi Dervish : Kazem Dehghan Transferred To Adel Abad Prison


zzbazdashti 2

Mr.Kazem Dehghan , one of the Gonabadi Dervishes from Kavar county  have been transferred to Adel Abad prison in Shiraz .

According to Majzooban Noor reporter ,  last morning , Bahman 21 , 1390 ( Feb 18 , 2012 ), plainclothes and security forces raided his home  who is  living in Kavar city of Fars province, and detained him and also had kept him for several hours at the police station of Kavar county and then transferred to the Justice Department of Kavar and the Dervish’s charges  has been held without the presence of any lawyer there and after being charged, he quickly moved to Adel Abad prison!

According to the report , In the court’s charge  of Mr. Kazem Dehghan , None of the family members  of this  Gonabadi  dervish are allowed by the security forces to be there and  his charge  for the family and his lawyers is unclear.