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Mehdi Khazali to Prison Authorities:”In the Event of my Death, I Ask That My Autopsy Be Performed by an International Entity”



February 22nd, 2012 [Kaleme]  In a letter addressed to prison authorities at Evin prison, Dr. Mehdi Khazali has announced that in the event that he dies while in prison and as a result of his hunger strike any autopsy or forensic examination take place only at the hand of medical examiners associated with International Organizations.

In this letter, Dr. Khazli reportedly points to the martyrdom of Hoda Saber while at Evin and the autopsy that took place at the time. Hoda Saber, journalist and political activist arrested after the 2009 presidential elections died at Evin prison after he launched a hunger strike protesting the martyrdom of Haleh Sahabi.  The day before he died, security agents finally transferred Saber to Modares Hospital after he suffered a stroke. Saber died because he did not receive adequate and timely medical attention.

At the time, 64 political prisoners at Evin wrote a letter bearing witness to the fact that martyr Hoda Saber was transferred to Evin’s infirmary on the 8th day of his hunger strike, by individuals who were either security agents or agents of the Ministry of Intelligence. Furthermore, the aforementioned prisoners testified that while at the infirmary, Saber was beaten severely.

The doctors at Modares hospital believe that Hoda Saber died as a result of his hunger strike and negligence by prison officials at Evin who refused to transfer him to a hospital in a timely manner.  It goes without saying that the judicial authorities including the Attorney General have never launched an inquiry into Hoda Saber’s death.
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Source: Kaleme