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Funeral Ceremony Of Honorable Great Late Shaikh , Haj Shamseddin Haeri “Ershad Ali ” Held In Ward 350 Of Evin Prison








Funeral ceremony of Nematollahi Gonabadi honorable great late shaikh , Haj Shamseddin Haeri , held with the presence of political prisoners in Ward 350 of Evin prison on Thursday, Farvardin 17 , 1391 ( April 05 , 2012 ) .

According to Kalameh reporteror, Hamid Reza Moradi, jailed administrator of Majzooban Noor website ( Nematollahi Gonabadi Order News Site ) described about honorable great late shaikh , Haj Shamseddin Haeri’s life .

Hamid Reza Moradi noted about the presence of security forces in the funeral and burial the late Sheikh and also that security forces did not allow the honorable Sheikh body to be moved to Bidokht county for burial and compulsory burial in “Behest Zahra” cemeteryand also he added that what lawful society and fanatics did to the late Mr. Haeri is not a new story and Always the seeker of knowledge and mysticism in the Islam history have been oppressed cruelty but the human behavior and speech of Sufi masters is always Sustainable and viable and it seems that Great people, dead or alive ones, will ruin the people astray to the challenge.