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“My dream: a future Iran as a constructive developer of the region”


IOPHRI – Interview: Cornelia Ernst is a member of the Delegation for relations with Iran in the European Parliament.

She is a Member of the Left (GUE) and, as she says, proud of her hometown Dresden. In the interview, she gives her opinion on the deplorable human rights situation in Iran, favors dialogue at eye level with a regime she does not favour and would rather have seen the EU as a mediator between the United States, Israel and Iran instead of as a co-sanctions-imposer and considers the discussions on an Iranian nuclear bomb as a diversionary tactic. She would like to visit the big cities of Iran as a MEP and encourages the diverse opposition groups in Iran to proceed along their way. She sees Iran in a central role in the development of the region after having first accepted other visions and approaches for itself. “How do you assess the general human rights situation in Iran at this time?”

Cornelia Ernst: “Iran continues to be our big problem child, because human rights violations are still on their agenda. I have just double-checked,  until 23 February 2012, there were already 67 executions only this year. The implementation of the death penalty is for us a big problem anyway – quasi almost every day a death sentence, respectively the executions carried out, are excessive and of course totally unacceptable. Also, when we look at last year’s executions and see how much the number has increased, then we clearly see that something is fundamentally wrong. These concerns are not just concerns of individual organizations that deal with human rights, but the worries of a lot of people in the world – and not only Europeans. And I believe that if you don’t address this issue and act at eye level – even with the representatives of the regime in Iran – you miss a great opportunity for the whole region to change and stability. Iran has a strong scientific potential and is a major player in the region. At the moment, there is rather a negative assessment to it. I have great respect for this potential. That is why, in my opinion, we cannot avoid to look for a dialogue at eye level, even when it hurts – that is particularly important for me to say.” “What in your opinion leads to these massive human rights violations in Iran?”

CE: “Well yes, in 1979 this pseudo-revolution took place in Iran and since then the community has changed a lot and since then regulations which are not compatible with democratic principles have been established. The entire state has been built in such a way that cemented a regime that needs these injuries to live on. The whole regime, no matter who will be the leader in the next few years, needs this. And the regime has been supported indeed. When you take a closer look, you can see how other cemented movements and regimes, with contempt for human beings, are supporting the regime in Iran. Furthermore it is clear that for years the West simply has pulled Iran’s leg. At the moment there is excitement about the atomic bomb! But basically you have raised the child! Now it has grown up and it stands before you and you do not want to have this child. There are so many things that should be taken into consideration. When furthermore it becomes clear that this country has an economic force and importance, then you see that the leaders are worrying, how they become independent in their ideas, in their way of shaping the state and the more sanctions and other oppressions are installed upon the country, the more you effectively push it to the sideline and the regime in Iran is taking advantage of this situation.” “What do you think of the role of Europe in relation to the population in Iran?

CE: “If I can narrow in this regard Europe to the EU, I think we have missed an opportunity to be a mediator in the conflicts. I had hoped that the European Union would have mediated between the fronts – that means between the American, the Israeli and the Iranian side – to bring  the parties to the table. I think this has been wiped off the table during the  recent decisions and we ended up in the role of sanktions-imposer, just like the U.S. that has even praised the EU for the sanctions. The behavior of the EU, I see it as extremely counter-productive. It does not contribute to ease the conflicts, at least to pursue solutions. I find that very sad. The club of Lady Ashton has taken in the delegation (for Iran) the position to impose sanctions and has repeatedly said that they wanted to urge the Iranians in this way to engage in a dialogue. In consequence psychologically you have already a problem. When I get slapped, do I still want to negotiate with you? In my point of view, it is a great mistake to believe, that one can force the Iranians to the table in this way and thus comes to solutions.” “What makes you believe that something can be achieved by a dialogue with the regime?”

CE:. “I think we should include other countries, which are trusted by the regime, we need to bring all partners together and lay the cards on the table. That would be my wish, that is how I see it. You have to be aware that you have an opponent in front of you with whom you have to talk seriously. You cannot talk as to a little boy, that doesn’t work. I don’t like  this regime, this is perfectly clear, but we must also listen to their problems.” “Do you think the nuclear research debate is a diversion?”

CE :”Yes, in principle they all have an interest in it. Ahmadinejad and his troops can take a position, let their muscles roll, and threat with it and distract the other side, in which they succeed. At the moment, very strong advantage has been taken from this discussion, not only at one side – with the exception of the population that comes out as the loser of this game.” “What do you wish for the people of Iran for the present and the future?”

CE: “I have an enormous respect for this country, for the development that has been realized, for the women, who are very brave. It’s unbelievable to me, the kind of diversity that has emerged over there. – The great self-confidence! The opposition is not entirely uniform, that is not easy to deal with, sometimes it is negative, but is also very positive. The large diversity in the opposition, I find it inspiring. I would like to encourage them to continue, not to be discouraged and to keep always in mind that we are at their side. We do not understand everything, it is not possible to understand everything, because as Europeans we live differently. It is just like that!

I know that there are Muslim feminists – terrific! Yes, this is exactly the way to tackle it! And there are also other political approaches.

It is important that we are in contact, that we talk to each other, that we understand what is happening in the country, that we are able to continuously support from outside.

Iran is not only Ahmadinejad or the Supreme Leader Khamenei, that idea has to go. Iran is a great, by me very much admired, nation, with a splendid culture and there is nothing I regret more than not to be able to visit the big cities in Iran as a MEP – that would be something great for us.

Actually, I wish for Iran to play a role in the region, which can stimulate, can develop many less developed countries – that would be of course a little bit my dream. When I see what has become of Afghanistan and Iraq, countries that really need a different perspective … if it would be possible to develop a new perspective in Iran, it would have a huge effect throughout the whole region and I think even beyond to Europe. The Iranians just need to know that everything they do is also for us of extreme importance and not only for them and their region. In this respect, our whole heart is with them.” “Thank you for your time.”
By: Lydia Boons 17.04.2012


Source : mehriran