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Imprisoned Blogger Hossein Ronaghi Maleki In Serious Danger Of Losing His Kidneys



According to reports by Kalameh, on Monday May 14th, incarcerated blogger Hossein Ronaghi Maleki was transferred to Hasheminejad hospital in dire health.

After examinations by doctors, they said if he continues to be incarcerated in prison and surgery is not performed immediately, he is in danger of losing his kidneys.

Previously, Ronaghi’s surgeon had indicated that, due to previous failed Pyeloplasty surgeries he is in need of additional surgery. In his recent examinations of Hossein, the surgeon stressed that delay of additional surgery will result in failure of Hossein’s kidneys and they will have to be removed.

In a recent letter written by Hossein’s father to the Public Prosecutor, he said, “Mr. Prosecutor, Sepah is a sacred organization, but a number of their agents have said that, if we complain to the Judiciary, they won’t allow him to leave prison alive; he will be killed. Mr. Prosecutor, they are acting upon their promise; they are killing my son.”

Ronaghi’s defense attorney, Mohamad Ali Dadkhah had also written a letter to Chief Judge at Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court, in it he said, “Dear Chief Judge, we are now talking about a human’s life. The severity of his illness is such that negligence at this time could cause irreversible damage.”

Zolaikha Mousavi, the mother of this imprisoned blogger, also said, “We are worried for Hossein. Previously they threatened me with my and my daughters’ arrest if we do press interviews. Believe me, lawlessness and injustice have put a black cloud over our lives.

How can I remain calm and stay silent when I see my son dying little by little? I cry for my son and pray for him everyday. I am afraid something horrible will happen to him.”

Blogger and human rights activist Sayad Hossein Ronaghi Maleki was arrested by Sepah (IRGC) during the post-presidential election events in 2009. He was tried in Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court, presided by Judge Pirabbasi, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

His kidneys were damaged due to blows received during interrogation sessions which resulted in going under 4 different Pyeloplasty surgeries. But due to being returned to prison prior to complete recovery from every surgery, he suffered kidney infection and bleeding after each surgery,

Despite the recommendations of the Medical Examiner’s doctors, his surgeons at Hasheminejad hospital and the doctors at Evin’s medical clinic that Hossein needed treatment and recovery outside of Evin prison after each surgery, but the IRGC Intelligence continue to deny a medical furlough for him.
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Source: Kalameh