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Student Activist Mohamad Ghafarian Sentenced to 3 1/2 Years In Prison And 70 Lashes


A three and half years imprisonment and seventy lashes sentence was upheld for electrical engineering student at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mohamad Ghaffarian.

According to reports by the Human Rights Activists News Agency, the sentence of three and years in prison plus seventy lashes issued by a lower court and upheld by the Court of Appeals has been delivered to Mohamad Ghaffarian.

He was sentenced to one year in prison for insulting the Supreme Leader, two years in prison for anti-national security acts, six months in prison plus 35 lashes for disturbing the public order and 35 lashes for insulting the president.

This sentence was issued, even though he was only charged with anti-national security acts at the time of arrest and interrogations. The charge of insulting the president was not even mentioned during his trial.

Ghaffarian has twenty days from the date the sentence was delivered to appeal his sentence.

Previously, Ghaffarian was arrested during a protest on February 20, 2010 and was incarcerated for about one month. Despite receiving a rank of 206 on the masters degree entrance exam, he was rejected for Masters degree studies and was suspended from continuing his education.
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Source: HRANA