Jailed Iranian blogger Hossein Ronaghi Maleki has once again begun a hunger strike to protest his dire situation at Evin Prison.
The Human Rights Activists News Agency reports that the Ronaghi Maleki is suffering from a failed kidney and is being refused medical attention so he has begun a hunger strike to draw attention to his situation.
Doctors have said that the jailed blogger’s left kidney has completely failed and his right kidney is on the verge of total shutdown. Therefore, he is in need of urgent surgery.
HRANA reports that Ronaghi Maleki’s medical problems are being superficially treated in prison with injections of morphine and other painkillers, which are compounding his condition with problematic side effects.
HRANA reports that the Revolutionary Guards’ intelligence department has forbidden prison authorities from giving Ronaghi Maleki the sick leave recommended by several doctors.
Ronaghi Maleki was arrested during the crackdown on the 2009 election protests and sentenced to 15 years in jail for his critical blogging on government actions.
Source : Radio Zamaneh