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Mount Pardis, the nearest place to the sun


More or less everyone has heard about the Seven Wonders of the World. Very few know the eighth one since it is not inscribed on any record or history books! This 8th non man-made wonder in the writer’s opinion is located in the town of Jam, Asaluyeh, Bushehr Province, just above the Persian Gulf. It is the highest area adjacent to the equator so the closest place on earth to sun. You might be in awe about it, but this is what scientists and geologists have already approved.

In this town, located between Bandar-e Kangan and Firuzabad, there is a special mountain, called Kuh-e Pardis (Pardis Mountain), which is highly respected by local dwellers.
The herbs growing there is said to have various medical benefits. In addition, there grow exceptional dates used for making diabetes pills and sugars.

According to Badie Dashti, a UK-based researcher, an underground historical site is located some 50 kilometers away from Pardis Mountain where the remnants of a historical village include columns and the collapsed ceilings of houses were unearthed one meter below the surface.

Referring to her exploration of the historical site of Jam, she has also come across some artifacts at the summit of Pardis Mountain. She believes that the recently discovered area dates back to at least 20,000 years ago.

It is said that there is evidence which shows the existence of a fire temple on the top of the mountain in which oil had been used in the ancient times.

The locals refer to Mount Jam as “Pooz”, because its summit resembles a snout. Some have referred to the mountain as Padri which means paradise in Avestan language. However, the mountain is widely referred to as Pardis.

Another interesting matter with the mountain is that if you park your car near it and release the manual brake, the mountain will drag the car to it due to a wonderful magnifying zone covering about 50 – 100 meters around the mountain. This magnetism has caused many drives who are not familiar with the mountain to collide with it. Mount Pardis has still remained rather unknown even to the nation wherein it is located.

By Afshin Majlesi, Tehran Times
Related Article: Mt. Pardis Awaits Registration – Iran Daily