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Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, Was Taken To Hospital For Two Hours


Imprisoned Blogger and human rights activist, Hossein Ronaghi Maleki who launched a hunger strike last Saturday was taken to hospital out side of the prison this afternoon due to dire health.

Despite his dire health and against the recommendations by the doctors that Hossein needed to be hospitalized for treatment, he was returned to Evin prison.

Today, this blogger, who is on his eighth day of hunger strike, was taken to Hasheminejad hospital. His security guards had very offensive behavior accompanied with repeated threats and harassment towards Hossein and his family.

Despite doctors’ recommendations for the last three months that Hossein needed to be hospitalized for proper treatment, the security guards did not allow his hospitalization and returned him to Evin after two hours.

In the last few days, after the worsening of his health, Hossein was also taken to Taleghani hospital and returned back to Evin after a short treatment.

Last week Hossein wrote to Ayatollah Khamenei, informing him of the launch of his hunger strike. In it he wrote:
“I protest these illegal practices by launching a hunger strike as of May 26, 2012, and protecting my life is the responsibility of the officials of the Islamic Republic.

The hunger strike is in protest of, and to make a complaint:
– Against the abuse and interventions in judicial matters by the Sepah Intelligence Corps, and the Intelligence Ministry;
– The loss of independence of the Judiciary Branch,
– To restore the Constitution, judicial procedures, judicial independence, and;
– To restore the rights of political prisoners and their families (rights such as, granting of furlough, use of telephone and visitation etc.).”

This blogger and human rights activist has been incarcerated for two and a half years without being allowed any furlough.

He was arrested on December 13, 2009 in the city of Makan near Tabriz, and was immediately taken to Ward 2-A of Evin prison in Tehran.

He was in solitary confinement for ten months, under severe physical and psychological pressure, for the purpose of forcing him to give televised false confession. Finally, Branch 26 of the Islamic Revolutionary Court sentenced him to 15 years in prison. This sentence was upheld by Tehran’s Court of Appeals.

Despite dire health and need for proper medical treatment, he is serving his sentence in section 350 of Evin prison. He has been incarcerated for more than 900 days without being allowed even a single day of furlough.
Translate by persianbanoo
Source: Madyariran


Another Article :

Iranian blogger Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, held in Tehran’s Evin Prison since December 2009, is waiting for a kidney operation, and has been on hunger strike since 26 May in protest at the authorities’ refusal to allow him medical leave.

Hossein Ronaghi Maleki was sentenced to 15 years in prison after an unfair trial in 2010 on charges including “membership of the [illegal] internet group ‘Iran Proxy’”, “spreading propaganda against the system” and “insulting the Leader and the President”, apparently in connection with articles he posted on his blog, 14 Tir. His health is failing: he has developed kidney disease since his arrest. He has undergone at least four operations and now requires another, to remove his left kidney. Amnesty International understands that without this operation, his functioning right kidney may be harmed.

His father, Ahmad Ronaghi Maleki, has said that the government Medical Examiner and the physicians have ordered special post-operation medical care for Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, including medical leave – provided for under the Prison Regulations – though the prison authorities have not approved this request. His parents have told journalists that their son has told them he is under pressure to “confess” in order for his request for medical leave to be approved.

On the basis of the evidence available to Amnesty International, Hossein Ronaghi Maleki appears to be a prisoner of conscience, held solely on account of his peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression and the organization is calling for his immediate and unconditional release.

Please write immediately in Persian, Arabic, English or your own language:

Calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Hossein Ronaghi Maleki as he is held solely for the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of expression in connection with his writings on his blog;

Calling on the Iranian authorities to ensure that Hossein Ronaghi Maleki receives all necessary medical attention, including all necessary post-operative care as called for by his doctors and the Medical Examiner;

Urging them to make sure that Hossein Ronaghi Maleki is protected from torture and other ill-treatment, and that he is allowed regular access to his family and lawyers of his choosing.

Additional Information

Hossein Ronaghi Maleki was held in solitary confinement for 376 days after his arrest on 13 December 2009, during which he says he was subjected to torture.

In August 2011, he was beaten unconscious in prison by a Revolutionary Guards officer, after he wrote an open letter to the Tehran Prosecutor. He was taken to hospital but returned to prison after he regained consciousness. In December 2011 he went on hunger strike for one week.

During his 2010 trial he was denied access to his defence lawyer. He says he told the judge that he was tortured in prison before his trial, but the judge answered that he “deserved it”.

Hossein Ronaghi Maleki wrote an open letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, on 26 May 2012, outlining the reasons for his hunger strike. He wrote, “I hope that you at least pay attention to my dire situation, the status of political prisoners, our families, the illegal detention centres, and their conduct.”

Under Article 10 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which Iran is a state party, “All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.” In November 2011, the UN Human Rights Committee, which oversees implementation of the ICCPR, expressed concern “at reports of the widespread use of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment in detention facilities”. The Committee also stated that the Iranian authorities should “ensure that am enquiry is opened in each case of alleged torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment in detention facilities, and that the perpetrators of such acts are prosecuted and punished appropriately”.
Source : Amnesty International