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Jailed blogger transferred to hospital



Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, an Iranian political prisoner on hunger strike at Tehran’s Evin Prison, has been transferred to hospital on the ninth day of his strike.

The Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) reports that the jailed Iranian blogger was transferred to hospital on Sunday but he has insisted that he will refuse food until he is given a leave from prison.

Hossein Ronaghi Maleki began a hunger strike in protest against the authorities’ refusal to allow him sick leave over his kidney complications.

On Saturday, the head of Iran’s judiciary called on the Tehran prosecutor to attend to Ronaghi Maleki’s medical needs and transfer him to a hospital.

Ronaghi Maleki has undergone several kidney operations since he was arrested in December of 2009 during the crackdown on protesters against the contested presidential elections.

He has been sentenced to 15 years in jail for his blog, which was critical of the political situation and the alleged fraud in the elections.
Source : (HRANA)