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SCO Leaders Reject Force In Iran, Syria


Leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting in Beijing have opposed any international use of force in Iran, saying such a move could threaten global security.

The leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan said in a joint statement signed at the end of a two-day summit on June 7 that “any attempts to solve the Iranian problem with force are unacceptable and could lead to unpredictable circumstances.”

On Syria, the leaders called for dialogue to address the violence there.

The statement said SCO member states were “against military intervention into [the Middle East’s] affairs, forcing a ‘handover of power’ or using unilateral sanctions.”

The SCO also granted Afghanistan observer status, putting it on the same level as Iran, Pakistan, India, and Mongolia.

Based on reporting by AFP, Reuters, AP, and dpa