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Court Of Appeals Has Issued It’s Ruling For Three Political Activists In Tabriz


According to reports by the Human Rights Activists News Agency, East Azarbaijan political activists Ebrahim Farajzadeh, Reza Abri and Ali Hossein Tahamtan Iranegh, all arrested during the burial services of Changiz Bakhtavar on December 29, 2009, have been sentenced by the Court Appeals from six months to a year in prison.

The above mentioned men, along with Ebrahim Asemani and Morteza Saylab were taken to the Intelligence Ministry’s detention after their arrest, where they were under physical and psychological torture for several weeks.

The cases of all five men were referred to the Fourth Branch of the Public and Revolutionary Court in Tabriz and all five were arraigned on charges of assembly and collusion to commit crimes against national security and propaganda against the Islamic Republic.

After two trial sessions at the Revolutionary Court in Tabriz was held where their defense attorney objected to their charges and the manner of their arrest, all five were exonerated of the charge of assembly and collusion to commit crimes against national security.

Reza Abri was convicted of propaganda against the Islamic Republic and sentenced to one year in prison.

Ebrahim Farajzadeh and Ali Hossein Tahmtan were both convicted of propaganda against the Islamic Republic and sentenced to six months in prison.

Ebrahim Asemani was sentence to a suspended sentence and Hadi Morteza Saylab was exonerated of all charges.

Branch 6 Appeals Court in East Azarbaijan presided by Mohamad Imani and Alizadeh upheld these sentences in the absence of the defendants attorney and a warrant for arrest was issued for Ebrahim Farajzadeh, Reza Abri and Ali Hossein Tahamtan.

On June 12, arresting agents went to the homes of these three but failed to arrest them as none of them were at their homes’ at the time.
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Source: HRANA