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5 Political Prisoners In Ward 240 Of Evin Prison Solitary Confinement Launch A Hunger Strike


Farshad Ghorbanpour, Saeed Matinpour, Saeed Jalalifar, Javad Alikhani and Arash Saghar imprisoned in solitary confinement in Ward 240 of Evin prison have launched a hunger strike.

According to previous reports by Kalameh, on Monday June 11 as political prisoners in Ward 350 of Evin prison were holding a memorial service for Hoda Saber, the Ward was attacked by special units guards.

As the political prisoners were holding the memorial service to honor Hoda Saber who died last year on hunger strike in Evin prison, the lights went out and the Ward was attacked by about 50 Special Units Guards.

After the attack by guards, political prisoners Ahmad Ahmadi Amouie, Farshad Ghorbanpour, Saeed Matinpour, Saeed Jalalifar, Javad Alikhani and Arash Saghar were transferred to solitary confinement.

During the attack the prisoners reacted with chants of “Ya Hossein Mir Hossein” and “Death to Dictator”.

A day after the attack, Ahmad Ahmadi Amouie was transferred to Rejaei Shahr prison in the middle of the night.

Amouie was transferred in his pajamas wearing slippers, handcuffed and shackled. Upon arrival at Rejaei Shahr he was treated harshly with insults and was strip searched.

Bahman Ahmadi Amouie an economic journalist and women’s rights activist was first arrested June 12, 2007 during a protest at Hafte Tir square in support of women’s rights. He was incarcerated for one week in Evin prison.

Few months after that, on September 27, 2007 he was tried, convicted and sentenced to six months incarceration, suspended for two years.

During the post-presidential election of 2009 unrest, Bahman was among the many journalists and activists that were arrested. He was tried and sentenced to five years in prison.

According to this report, Tehran’s District Attorney issued the orders to attack the prisoners. Creating limitations for the prisoners and harsh treatment of the prisoners has always been on his agenda.

Also, on June 12, on the third anniversary of the presidential election coup of 2009 and the first anniversary of death of Hoda Sober, tens of political prisoners refused to go to visiting rooms as a sign of protest.

Prisoners were also protesting the previous week’s cancellation of all visits on Father’s day and banning of all phone calls on that day.

According to sources close to the families of the political prisoners, they were also protesting the Judiciary’s failure to investigate the case of Hoda Saber who died on hunger strike in prison last year.

In Ward 350 of Evin prison all inmates are political prisoners, who are deprived of many of their legal rights, including use of telephone, issuance of furlough and regular family visits.

It has been more than two years that these prisoners have been banned from phone calls. A number of these prisoners were arrested after the 2009 presidential election and tried in sham trials. Most have not been allowed furlough and some have been allowed furlough for only days in the past three years.

Last week, families of 46 of these prisoners wrote a letter to the Public Prosecutor criticizing lawlessness and deprivation of the basic rights of prisoners. They wrote, “For our loved ones, we do not ask for anything beyond all the rights that other inmates have. Rights that were observed for the post-election political prisoners even in this Ward 350 before you took office as the Public Prosecutor.

Is this too much to ask for in a country that claims to implement Islamic justice?”
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Source: Kalameh