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Iran Nuclear Talks Open In Moscow


The latest round of talks between Iran and six world powers over Tehran’s nuclear program has begun in Moscow.

The delegation of the six powers — the United States, Russia, China, France, Britain, and Germany — is headed by European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.
Tehran is represented by chief nuclear negotiator and head of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council Said Jalili.
An unnamed EU official told Reuters ahead of the meeting that the international community does not want to see the talks drag on without clear progress.
“We will have to say ‘no’ to talks for talks’ sake,” the official said.
The sides were unable to make progress during the last round of talks in Baghdad in May, and failed before that in Istanbul.
The United States and other countries fear Iran’s nuclear program is aimed at developing nuclear weapons, a charge Tehran denies.
Iran’s navy recently announced it hoped to build a nuclear-powered submarine, potentially providing it a technical argument for the need to enrich uranium to 20 percent or more, which has been a key point of contention.
Based on reporting by Interfax and Reuters