Majzooban Noor Website’s Condolence Message To Mehdi Karroubi



Majzooban Noor website and its managers who are imprisoned in section 350 of Evin prison with sympathy message to Mr.Mehdi Karrobi expressed condolences to him and his honorable family on the sorrowful death of his late sister “Mrs.Zeynab Karroubi”.

They asked God, patience and reward for him and his respected family on this painful loss .

They mentioned , this is too regretful that, People like you with a bright and glorious history are unfair living in house arrest and treating unjusty and number of freedom seeker and the children of this land who are the valuable intellectual invest of Iran, are now confined in prison.

… Wish to release all of jaileds that seek justice and freedom and cruelly are confined in prison now…

Nematollahi Gonabadi Order News Website