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Execution Date Has Been Set For Political Prisoner Gholamreza Khosravi


Execution date of September 10, 2012 has been set for political prisoner Gholamreza Khosravi. Khosravi who was also a political prisoner in the 80′s has been in the Intelligence Ministry’s detention since 2006.

Gholamreza Khosravi was arrested in 2006 on charges of donating money to an opposition satellite TV station. In 2007, he was tried in a court in Rafsanjan on charges of espionage and donating money to Mohahedin Khalgh Organization (MKO). He was sentenced to three years in prison plus three years suspended sentence.

The Intelligence Ministry appealed Rajsanjan’s court ruling. The case went to Court of Appeals in Kerman which issued a six year prison sentence for Gholamreza Khosravi.

Khosravi’s case entered a new phase with additional charges pressed by the Defense Ministry . After one year incarceration in the Intelligence Ministry’s solitary confinement, Khosravi was transferred to the Defense Ministry’s Prison No. 64.

After a long period of interrogations, Khosravi was put on trial in Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court presided by Judge Pirabbasi, on Moharebeh charges (enmity against God).

Judge Pirabbasi ruled this defendant’s charges beyond the scope of his court’s jurisdiction.

The ruling issued by Branch 26 was overturned by the Supreme Court. The case was returned to the same court for retrial, which resulted in a death sentence issued in 2010.

This last verdict was also overturned by the Supreme Court on technicality and was sent back to Branch 26 for retrial which ultimately resulted in a death sentence for the defendant in November of 2011.

On April 21, 2012, the Supreme Court upheld Khosravi’s death sentence and forwarded the case to the Enforcement Division in Evin prison.

In the last few days, Khosravi was summoned by Nasiri, the Assistant Prosecutor in Evin’s Enforcement Division and informed that his death sentence will be carried out on September 10.

Gholamreza Khosravi a former political prisoner in the 80′s was incarcerated for five years at the time, on charges of supporting a banned opposition group.

After about four years of incarceration in solitary confinement, in July of 2011, Khosravi was transferred to Ward 350 of Evin prison, where he currently is imprisoned.

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Source: HRANA