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Seventeen Gonabadi Dervishes From Kavar Town Were Summoned To Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court



Seventeen Gonabadi dervishes from Kavar county were summoned to Criminal Branch of Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court.

According to Majzooban reporter, Messrs.Mehrdad Keshavarz, Omid Ali Akbari tabar, Mohammad Ali Shamshirzan, Mohammad Ali Dehghan, Gholam ali Birami, Amir Hamzeh Dehghan, Mohammad Ali Sadeghi, Beyhar Rajabi, Kazem Dehghan, Seyed Ebrahim Bahrami, Abouzar Malekpour, AbdolReza Arayesh, Mohammad Arayesh, Hamid Reza Arayesh, Mohsen Esmaeeli, Manouchehr Zaree and Aman Cheraghi , members of Nematollahi Gonabadi Order from Kavar town, were summoned to Criminal Branch of Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court on charge of “acting against national security”, “causing disruption to public order”, “beaten and injured and carrying illegal weapons” on Mordad 7 1391 ( Jul 28 , 2012 ).

Our reporter added that, they had been summoned to court by phone which is not legal summoning.

Before that, seventeen Gonabadi dervishes were accused to ” Moharebeh “( Enmity against God ), “corruption agents on earth” and “illegal carrying weapons”.

For these Seventeen Gonabadi dervishes, the trial was held in Branch 101 of the Criminal Court presided by Judge Hemati on Esfand 1390 ( March 2012 ).

The Judge hearing these cases, ruled the scope of these charges are beyond the authority of his court’s jurisdiction and referred the case to the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz. Then, these Gonabadi dervishes were acquitted of these false accusations and heavy charges.

It should be noted three of these Dervishes, Messrs.Hamid Reza Arayesh, Mohammad Ali Shamshirzan and Kazem Dehghan had been arrested and were held in Adel Abad prison more than 5 months.

Minwhile two of them, Arayesh and Dehghan were temporarily released on bail of 300 million toman on Tir 22 , 1391 ( Jul 12 , 2012) but for another gonabadi dervish, Mr.Mohammad Ali Shamshirzan, after 10 days of issuance of bail of 50 million in Branch 14 of Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court presided by Judge Kheshti, he was still in jail due to lack of confirmation of attorney .

It is remarkable that, new wave of arrests and harassment on Gonabadi Dervishes has beung by plainclothes and security forces since middle of September 2011 ( Shahrivar 1390) and has still continued with unprecedented intensity so that more than ten times Gonabadi Dervishes’s houses have been attacked and searched illegaly by security forces in Kavar county and dozens dervishes have been arrested and injured in clashes and a dervish was also martyred by excessive bleeding from a gunshot wound …And since then a new wave of pressure has been on Gonabadi dervishes.