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Human Rights: Brief News



Health of imprisoned priest deteriorates
Human rights activists are reporting a decline in the health of Pastor Behnam Irani, who is serving a six-year prison sentence in Karaj Prison.


Behnam Irani, who converted to Christianity and served as a pastor in the Iranian church,  is being held under worrying conditions along with dangerous prisoners. Irani was sentenced to five years in prison on charges of harming national security and an additional year for anti-regime propaganda.
Kurdish Sunni clergyman arrested
Human rights activists are reporting on the arrest of a Sunni cleric of Kurdish descent along with 12 guests he hosted in his home for the Iftar meal. The prisoners were transferred to a prison in Orumieh.
Workers protest not having been paid for 26 months
Workers at the Mazandaran textile plant staged a gathering before the Ghaemshahr province administration to protest not having been paid over the past 26 months.

Source: Iran Daily Brief