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Families of flogged political prisoners speak out



In the past few days, the flogging sentence of a number of political prisoners in cellblock 350 in Evin Prison was carried out. According to reports, the flogging of Kamyar Iazi, who is a doctor, was to the extent that his body bled as a result.

Farzaneh Mirzavand, the wife of political prisoner Siamak Qaderi who was flogged said, “Unfortunately, my husband’s flogging sentence was carried out in the month of Ramadan. I expected [the government] the keep the sanctity of this month but they did not…”

Mazdak Ali Nazari was another political prisoner who was flogged. Colonel Nazari his father said in this regard, “I saw Mazdak today in prison and unfortuntaly heard that his flogging sentence and that of a number of others had been carried out. It was carried out in the month of Ramadan while they were fasting…”

The mother of another one of these political prisoners said, “Please do not publish my name because there is a possibility that my son’s name is in the list of people who will be released on Eid Fetr and with this interview, they will find an excuse to harass us again”.

“I became very distraught [about the flogging] and I cannot express my pain. When I saw my loved ones sad face and how they cruelly flogged his whole body, you do not know how I felt…” (Jaras website – Aug, 14, 2012)

Source: Freedom Messenger