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Holders of bank accounts opened to assist earthquake victims summoned for questioning

In the wake of the recent earthquake, civilian groups were set up to transfer aid to the victims.

Several days later, however, the Iranian banks blocked every account opened to transfer the people’s aid. The account holders have now been summoned for questioning by the Intelligence Ministry and the Cyber Police. The summons was carried out by phone, and they were ordered to arrive for questioning.



Security prisoner goes on hunger strike over omission from Eid al-Fitr pardons list

Rasul Hardani, imprisoned in Wing 350 at Evin Prison, began an unlimited hunger strike last week. Rasul, who has been in prison for 14 years, was due to have been released from prison for Eid al-Fitr. After his name was removed from the list of those being released, he went on a hunger strike. Rasul is the brother of Khaled Hardani, who was accused of hijacking a plane on the Ahvaz-to-Bandar Abbas airline route. Khaled admitted that he did it because of poverty and hardship. Khaled and his two brother-in-laws were condemned to death, and Rasul himself was given life imprisonment.


Member of Kurdish minority arrested by plain-clothes police during Quds Day rally

Negin Teybi was transferred to intelligence headquarters in Kermanshah, following a period of four days during which there had been no news of her condition or whereabouts. Her family, who had feared for her life, had tried to find out her condition by approaching various authorities, without success. On the day of her arrest, her home was also searched and her personal computer confiscated. According to reports on Kurdish websites, another woman whose identity has not been yet released was arrested on Quds Day. Negin has a bachelor’s degree in political science.


President of Teacher’s Union in Kermanshah summoned for questioning by security organization

During the questioning, Mohammad Tavakoli was told that the Teacher’s Union is an illegal organization, and he was ordered to stop his union activities.


Source: Iran Daily Brief