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UN General Secretary Alarmed by Vast Human Rights Violations in Iran



Posted by IHRV On September – 11 – 2012

A Weekly Report on Human Rights Violations in Iran from August 25 to September 2, 2012.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, criticized the Iranian government’s violations of human rights during his participation in the Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Iran and asked the government to take serious steps toward proving the peaceful goal of the Iranian nuclear program and establishing confidence in the international community. He also demanded Iranian officials to release prisoners of conscience, human rights activists, journalists, and those considered leaders of the Green Movement. (1)

The Deputy of Ban Ki Moon, also former deputy of the US Secretary of State, who had accompanied Mr. Moon to a private meeting with the Supreme Leader described in a press conference on August 30 that the Secretary General had clearly presented his concerns and criticisms on the lack of respect to human rights in Iran, failure to sufficiently cooperate with the Nuclear Atomic Agency, support of Bashar Assad’s regime and the attitude of Iranian top leaders against Israel. This statement was not covered in Iranian media due to state-run censorship. (2)

Regarding the recent Azerbaijan earthquake, the government did not adequately provide necessary food, clothing and medicine. Instead, the regime focused more of its activities on promoting popular religious messages and political propaganda. (3)

Sadly, this past week Jhila Baniyaghoub, a well-known Iranian journalist, began her one year prison sentence. Her husband Bahman Amouei has also been imprisoned for more than three years. (4)

More human rights violations in Iran are described in the following sections.


Reporters without Boarders requested Ban Ki Moon to urge the Iranian government in the name of international community to cooperate unconditionally with the UN. (5)

Human Rights Watch issued a statement and criticized a new draft of Islamic penal law which contradicts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (6)

The US administration called on Iranian authorities to release Amir Mirzayi Hekmat, an American citizen, jailed in Iran.


According to HARANA, three members of the Kordestan teachers union were summoned to branch 5 of the interrogation office of Sanandaj last week. Their names are Peyman Nodinian, Behadin Maleki, and Ramin Zandnia. (5)

The head of the Qazvin public security police informed that 13 shops were closed due to violations which disrespect Islamic principles. (9)

HARANA reported that Sanandaj city municipality agents attacked a colporteur with sticks and daggers and destroyed his property. This colporteur peddles his items in the district Karamouzi SQ in Sanandaj and agents accused him of barrier crossing. (10)

Religious minorities

The statistical, publication and output unit of HARANA released its monthly report concerning the violations of Baha’i’s rights. (11)

HARANA reported that Sied Morad Fathi was summoned to the Kurdistan department in the intelligence agency. He is a member of the leadership council of Maktab Quran, a Sunni religious group. (12)

Ethnical Minorities

According to Kurdish News Agency Mookrian, two Bookan residents were sentenced to jail by the appeals court of Azerbaijan Gharbi. Their names are Edris Ak and Edris Borna. They have been in prison for more than three months and had received a one year sentence in their preliminary trial. (12)

Also this website informed that two residents from the village Gazlan, a part of Miandoal city, received a one year jail verdict by the first branch of revolutionary court in Mahabad. Ghasem Rahimi and Mohamamd Ebrahimzadeh were arrested six months ago and are now serving out their sentence in Mahabad central prison.

The head of police public relations in Azerbaijan Gharbi province uncovered approximately one thousand satellite devices and receivers in Bokan city during the past week. (14)

The President of the Kermanshah teachers union, Mohamamd Tavakoli, was severely beaten up by unknown individuals. (15)

Culture, communication and media

According to HARANA, Ahmad Nourmohammadi Abadchi, a blogger in Ahvaz city, was arrested by intelligence agents. (17)

The official press jury condemned the directors of the Iran and Eatemad daily press as well as the website Amarion. (18)

University and students

Daneshjoo news website reported that more than 70 of Amirkabir university alumni released a letter to the head of the judiciary and intelligence apparatus to demand the immediate release of Ismaeil Slamanpour, Houman Taheri and Masoud Vafabakhsh. They participated in a larger volunteer rescue team for the victims of the Azerbaijan earthquake and were detained by security forces. The three men were taken to Tabriz prison three weeks ago. (19)

HARANA reported that in a speech to a gathering of pro-government students, the Minister of Information, Science and Technology stated that secular teachers must leave Iranian universities. (20)

This human rights advocacy group also informed that Kurdish student Maaz Hakimi, who was arrested in Tehran two weeks ago, is in an unknown condition. This student comes from the village Sherkan in Paveh city in Kordestan province.(21)

Civil rights

According to HARANA, Ozan Akbari, a political activist and member of the Pan-Iranist party, was summoned to Evin prison. (22)

Political prisoner Hadi Amini was again arrested in Mahabad by security forces. He had been released from custody just five days ago. (23)

The website Kurdpa reported that Kurdish residents, Latif Alikhani, Siamand Alikhani, and Mohamamd Amin Saidi from the villages Goyisli and Bijhovi in Sardasht city in Kordestan province, were arrested by plainclothes intelligence agents and taken to an unknown prison. (24)

The head of police for Busher province announced that security police in the district had collected approximately 29,000 satellite parts and devices during the first five months of Persian year. (25)

Political activist Hossien Yazdi was arrested in Isfahan city. (26)

Eisa Faridi, an ally to the head of the expediency council Hashemi Rafsanjani and political activist, was summoned to Evin prison to begin his five year prison sentence. (27)

Based on HARANA, Behnam and Bahram Jaafari received a two hundred and fifty dollar fine by the first branch of revolutionary court in Tabriz under Judge Rahim Hamlbor. (28)

Also HARANA reported that the first branch of revolutionary court in Khoy found thirteen political prisoners from Azerbaijan guilty of the charges presented and sentenced them each to a six month suspended jail term. (29)


HARANA reported that the head of the female labor union criticized the inspection department of the Cooperation and Labor Ministry regarding neglect towards gender discrimination against women workers in Iran. (30)

The Head of the Women’s Center at the Chamber of Commerce stated that public opinion toward Iranian women entrepreneurs should be corrected and considered the elimination of female students from 88 university courses is a type of gender discrimination. (31)

Maryam Salehi was arrested by security forces on August 27, 2012. She is a women rights’ activist and a member of human rights supporters in Iran. (32)


According to HARANA, hundreds of workers working in the market Parviz Khan stopped working due to delays in their daily wedge. (33)

The factory Kasra Tile fired two employees, Mokhtar Mohamamdi and Sman Maroufi, who have eight and five years of work experience. (34)

Prison and prisoners

The situation of political prisoners is still disappointing and got worse. The website Daneshjoo reported that Kurdish prisoner Mohamamd Nazari passed his fifth day of hunger strike. He launched a hunger strike due to his unknown situation despite serving two years of imprisonment. (35)

Hossein Ronaghi Maleki is suffering from serious kidney bleeding. He was arrested at the volunteer rescue camp in Azerbaijan. (36)

Dr. Nnader Bbayi was taken to an outside hospital due to serious internal bleeding. (37)

Eisa Saharkhiz, a prominent imprisoned political activist and journalist, started a hunger strike after returning to Rajayi Shahr prison. He had protested certain law violations during his trial process. (38)

Jafar Goushvareh, a death row political prisoner due to his membership of the Democrat Party of Kurdistan, was taken from Uromieh to Mahabad for further investigation.(39)

Rasoul Hardani, a prisoner in the section 350 Evin prison, started a hunger strike on August 26. He was taken to the prison medical center because of his poor physical health. He has 12 more years to serve in prison. (40)


HARANA reported that the death penalty of a woman who had strangled her husband with a luggage strap was approved by the Supreme Court. (41)


Harna news agency

Irankahbar agency

Mookrian website

Daneshjoo news website

Iran on line












































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