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IAEA urges Iran to ease nuclear concerns



Following approval of a new IAEA resolution expressing “serious concern” about Iran’s nuclear activities, agency chief Yukiya Amano called on the Islamic Republic to make serious efforts to relieve international concerns.

On Thursday, the head of the United Nation’s nuclear watchdog said in an interview that it wants Iran to engage with the International Atomic Energy Agency “on substance”, adding: “This is our objective…. For Iran, cooperating with the IAEA should be in their interest.”

Meanwhile, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran’s Ambassador to the IAEA, reacted to the move, calling such resolutions “counterproductive.”

Soltanieh maintained that the resolution “will only complicate the situation and jeopardize the cooperative environment which we desperately need.”

The resolution was supported by 31 members of the 35-nation IAEA Board of Governors. Cuba voted against the resolution, while Egypt, Tunisia and Ecuador abstained.

The IAEA resolution mainly criticizes Iran’s lack of cooperation regarding the agency’s demand to inspect Parchin Military Base, which the IAEA believes may have been a nuclear test site, based on some reports.

Iran insists that its nuclear program is peaceful and that Parchin Military Base is not a nuclear site to be subject to IAEA inspections.

The IAEA chief has stressed, however, that the disputes over Iran’s nuclear program can only be resolved through talks.

Source: Radio Zamaneh