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Floods rampage through 7 northern Iran cities



Severe rainfall sprung flood waters through 7 cities of Iran’s northern Gilan Province and residents are in very harsh conditions, the state-run Mehr news agency reported.

“The cities of Langroud, Siahkal, Shaft, Fuman, Astane Ashrafia and Lahijan have witnessed floods due to severe Sunday night rains,” Iran’s Red Crescent chief said.

“100 medics along with motor boats are providing services and rescuing citizens. Although 10 pumps have began the work of emptying flood waters from homes in Langroud and Lahijan, rainfall is continuing in the cities of Rasht and Astane Ashrafia,” he added.

Damages to people’s homes caused by flood waters have reached a point that residents might have to be forced to relocate to other cities.

The Iranian regime has yet to report the possible amount of damages and casualties.