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Human rights activist Saeed Jalalifar arrested

Human rights activist Saeed Jalalifar was arrested on Sunday afternoon (July 31st) and transferred to ward 350 of Evin prison, according to human rights groups.

The court hearing for the human rights activist has not been held yet nor has a date been announced. Informed sources have told the Committee of Human Rights Reporters (CHRR) that Judge Moghiseh from branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court ordered to keep Saeed Jalalifar in ward 350 of Evin prison until a date is issued for his trial.

Saeed Jalalifar’s mother confirmed her son’s arrest in a brief interview with HRANA and said that he had gone to Evin prison to stop [authorities] from confiscating the bail money.

Saeed Jalalifar was arrested on November 30, 2009 and released on a $100 thousand (USD) bail on March 16, 2010, a few days before the start of the Persian New Year.

Since his arrest he has been summoned by the judicial authorities numerous times. His official charge is: “Engaging in propaganda activities against the regime”.

Saeed Jalalifar is a member of CHRR, a banned student from the University of Zanjan, and also a children’s rights activist.

Source :Persian2English