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Heart surgery Done on Asadollah Hadi, Political Prisoner








Asadollah Hadi, the political prisoner at Ward 350 of Evin Prison has been hospitalized at the heart hospital of Tehran and heart surgery has been done for him.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), after a week of waiting and being rejected for his transfer to the hospital, finally he has been transferred to the heart hospital of Tehran and heart surgery is done for him.

It is important to mention that according to the doctors of the hospital, early return to prison could be very dangerous for him.

Asadollah Hadi, the political prisoner at Ward 350 of Evin has acute heart problem and also problems of Miniks on knee, several times has been rejected to be transferred to the hospital by the authorities of the prison, Because he did not wear the prisoners uniform.

Asadollah hadi has been detained in 2009 on charges of acting against national security and disturbing public order, sentenced to 5 years of imprisoning.

Also he has been detained in 1980s.

Translated by: Ramyar Hassani

Source: HRANA News Agency