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Gonabadi Dervishes Hunger Strike Enters Fourth Day







Hunger strike by Gonabadi dervishes, Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nouri enters fourth day.

According to reports by Majzooban Noor, on 27th Day 1391 (Jan 16, 2013) they began a hunger strike to protest transfer of seven Gonabadi dervishes’s lawyers and Majzooban Noor website Managers to solitary confinement of Evin prison.

It should be noted that, Saleh Moradi Sarvestani and Kasra Nouri have been confined for more than 16 months in Shiraz Adel Abad prison on charge of “Propaganda against the regime”, “Acting against national security”, “Deviant group (Majzooban Noor) membership” and “Interviews with foreign media, Radio Farda”, but they have not yet received a definitive sentence till now. It seems that, after 16 months, their case is under investigation in Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court.

These two prisoners of conscience are suffering from malnutrition due to poor prison conditions.

Also, Mr. Moradi suffering from kidney pain for months and now suffering from internal bleeding.

The families have expressed their growing concern over their health risk.