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Political Prisoner Reza Joshan Is In Dire Need Of Proper Medical Treatment


Political prisoner Reza Joshan, incarcerated in ward 4, Hall 12 (security ward) of Rejaei shahr prison in Karaj has suffered a heart attack recently and is in a dire situation in detention. Despite the fact that on Wednesday 3rd of August, 26 years old Reza Joshan suffered a heart attack and collapsed, the authorities have not taken any specific measure to treat this political prisoners.
According to reports by The Human Rights Activists For Democracy In Iran, following the heart attack which led to Reza Joshan suffering temporary stuttering, numbness in parts of his body, dizziness, nausea and vision problems, his life was saved by the prompt actions of his fellow inmates.
This despite the fact that the officials were delaying transferring him to prison clinic, but with the persistent efforts and objections raised by his cellmates, Joshan was transferred to the clinic.
However, after a short period of time in the clinic and only providing Joshan with aspirin tablets they returned him back to the isolation hall.
It needs to be said that, currently, Reza Joshan continues to suffer from dizziness, weakness and nausea and must immediately be hospitalized.
Source: Human Rights Activists News Agency