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Saleh Moradi’s Court hearing delayed again/Accused Dervishes Still Waiting for Justice






The court hearing for four Gonabadi dervishes which has been set to begin on 8th of Esfand (Feb 26) was postponed to another time by judge’s decision.

According to Majzooban Noor, the trail of four Dervishes, Farzaneh Nouri, Saleh Moradi Sarvestani, Behzad Nouri and Farzad Darvish who were charged with “Propaganda against the regime”, “acting against national security” and “Deviant group (Majzooban Noor) membership” was supposed to be held in Branch 2 of Shiraz’s Revolutionary court yesterday, but the hearing was postponed to another time.

It should be reminded that, Gonabadi dervish, Saleh Moradi who are behind bars for more than 18 months in Shiraz’s Adel Abad prison , has lunched a hunger strike to protest illegal transfer of seven Gonabadi dervishes’s lawyers and Majzooban Noor website managers to solitary confinement of Evin prison under order from judge Salavati, since 27th of Dey 1391 ( Jan 15, 2013).

We note in this regard that although he has been in detention more than the serving a period of time which would equate to his sentence, therefore now his detention is absolutely unlawful.

Now, Saleh Moradi has reached on 41st day of hunger strike and his health condition is reported dire but he was taken from prison into the court amid tight security and was handcuffed and leg-shackled.(!)

According to received news, large numbers of Gonabadi dervishes had gathered in front of the Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court to express solidarity with this prisoner of Conscience and protested against the lake of court and also against imprisonment of Dervishes for no reason.

It is notable that, his family and other Dervishes have expressed grave concern over signs of deteriorating physical health of him.

Saleh Moradi’s Court hearing delayed again/Shiraz Accused Dervishes Still Waiting for Justice
