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2 Years Prison Sentence For Participating In Green Movement Martyrs’ Memorial Services


By persianbanoo
Mahmoud Asadi Shamsabadi, one of the protesters of the last presidential election, has been sentenced to two years in prison due to his presence at the grave site of the martyrs of the Green Movement.

According to Kalemeh news site, 30 years old Shamsabadi was arrested on February 23, 2010 while present at the mourning ceremonies of the Green martyrs at the cemetery.
He was incarcerated in Evin’s high security Ward 209 for a while before being transferred to Ward 350 in Evin prison.
He was tried and convicted in a court presided by Judge Moghayeseh, and was sentenced to two years in prison. His sentence was later upheld by the Appeals Court.
He was found guilty of charges of gathering and collusion with intent to act against the national security; his only crime, attending a memorial service.
After being released on bail temporarily, he was summoned on May 23, 2011 to Evin prison for sentence implementation.
Currently he is incarcerated in Ward 350 along with 180 other political prisoners.
Source: Kaleme Website