Gonabadi Dervishes, Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nourion on the Verge of Death!

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Yesterday 4th Farvardin, 1392( March 24, 2013) imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish in Shiraz’s Adel Abad prison, Kasra Nouri on the sixth day of his dry hunger strike due to extreme weakness collapsed.

Jailed Gonabadi Dervishes in Shiraz’s Adel Abad prison, Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nouri after 64 days of hunger strike on liquid diet, have started a dry hunger strike since Thursday March 21. They have gone on hunger strike to protest the illegal imprisonment of seven Gonabadi dervishes’s lawyers and Majzooban Noor website managers to solitary confinement of Evin prison in the past 70 days and lack of care for their critical health conditions.
According to Majzooban Noor, yesterday morning on Farvardin 4 (March 24), during a visit, imprisoned Dervish rights activists Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nouri made a testament and told their families that untill their legal demands are fulfilled they will continue the strike.
The worried families of these Prisoners of Conscience, by expressing grave concern about deplorable conditions of Dervishes have stated that they are on the verge of death now and the Iranian authorities, specifically Judge Salavati and Intelligence Ministry will be responsible for any risks to their lives as a result of their ongoing hunger strike because the Iranian Judiciary officials have not yet paid any attention to their simple demands after 67 days.
Each of them have lost more than 35 kg and yesterday Head of the Prison was also witness to their horrible situation.
While the condition of them grows more and more dire, worse than before. Despite they are suffering with vision loss, kidney failure, bowel adhesion in addition to weakness, weight loss and dizziness refrain from providing medical care citing the excuse of holidays!
It should be reminded that, on 15th of Bahman 1391(Feb 3, 2013) despite the poor physical conditions of two dervishes, the security forces and prison authorities forced them to sign a letter stating that they have good physical health and they do not need any medical treatment and health care!
Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nouri are currently behind bars for more than 19 months in Shiraz’s Adel Abad prisonin, on charges of “Propaganda against the regime”, “Acting against national security”, “Deviant group (Majzooban Noor) membership” and “Interviews with foreign media, Radio Farda”, but they have not yet received a definitive sentence till now. We note in this regard that although they have been in detention more than the serving a period of time which would equate to their sentence, therefore now their detention surely is unlawful.