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Iran advises UK not to use violence against protesters


Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ramin Mehmanparast on Tuesday advised the British government to exercise self-restraint and refrain from using violence against protesters.

Iranian Security forces beat a protester in Tehran – June 2009
According to Reuters, the violence erupted late on Saturday in London’s northern Tottenham district when a peaceful protest over the police shooting of Mark Duggan, a black man, two days earlier was followed by outbreaks of looting and arson.
Mehmanparast called on the British government to refrain from taking any violent action when dealing with protesters and to take their demands into consideration.
He also expressed hope that the independent human rights organizations would launch an investigation into the shooting death of Duggan to aid efforts to defend individual freedom and civic rights.
Majlis committee condemns fatal shooting of Duggan
In addition, the Human Rights Committee of the Iranian Majlis has condemned the killing of Duggan and called on the British government to end the “brutal” suppression of the protesters.
Armed Basij members attack protesters in Tehran – June 2009
MP Mohammad-Karim Abedi, the committee deputy chairperson, told the Fars news agency on Tuesday, “The Majlis, as the true representative of the Iranian nation, supports the rights of the British people and regards itself as obliged to defend the rights of the British protesters.”


Source: Mehr News Agency