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Gonabadi Dervishes Continue Their Dry Hunger Strike with Forced Therapeutic serum

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After nine days on dry hunger strike, Gonabadi Dervishes, Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nouri are in dire health condition.
According to Majzooban Noor, Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nouri who have began “dry” hunger strike (refusing water in addition to food) since Thursday morning 1st day of Farvardin 1392 (March 21, 2013), after being on “wet” hunger strike (taking water but not food) for 67 days, are in critical physical condition and almost on the Verge of Death!.
Imprisoned Dervishes’s families reported that, the jailed Dervishes, with force and violence have been confined in Adel Abad prisons infirmary under serum therapy which according to International human rights law, this behavior of the security forces is illegal and against the demands of jailed Dervishes.
The Dervishes during a contact with their families, announced that, despite threats and transfer of them to the prison infirmary, they are still on dry hunger strike and until their legal demands are fulfilled they will continue the strike.

Their families by expressing grave concern about deplorable conditions of Dervishes have stated that the only reason these two prisoners of conscience have survived is due to serum therapy and the Iranian Judiciary officials have not yet paid any attention to their simple demands after 73 days. Hunger strikers required prison officials to transfer back seven Gonabadi Dervishes’s lawyers to the general ward of Evin Prison, called attention to the health status of imprisoned Dervishes and a justice and fair trail but unfortunately their demands continue to be ignored and the detained lawyers of the Gonabadi Dervishes are still being held in solitary confinement of Ward 209 at about 74 days.
It should be reminded that, Tuesday on the 6th day of Farvardin (March 26 2013) when a number of Gonabadi Dervishes gathered and sought sanctuary in front of the Shiraz’s Adel Abad prison to express solidarity with all Dervishes in jail, security forces by threats and putting pressure on two hunger strikers, forced them to eat some bread and took video reports of them!
Their existing health conditions have been exacerbated due to their prolonged hunger strike and their health has deteriorated. The condition of them grows more and more dire, worse than before. Now they are suffering with vision loss, kidney failure, bowel adhesion in addition to weakness, weight loss and dizziness and the appearance of these symptoms are warning signs of their dire health condition and indicate that they are facing life-threatening health complications!
Each of them have lost more than 35 kg and due to extreme weakness collapsed for several times. Under their eyes and fingernails have gone severely bruised and can not stand on their feet but they still insist on their demands and are not willing to break their strike.
Unfortunately, these such attitudes is indicative of how the Iranian judicial authorities shirk their responsibilities! It is not a new issue as previously on 15th of Bahman 1391(Feb 3, 2013) despite the poor physical conditions of these two Gonabadi Dervishes, the security forces and prison authorities forced them to sign a letter stating that they have good physical health and they do not need any medical treatment and health care!