10 Political Prisoners In Solitary Confinement Have Launched A Hunger Strike



10 political prisoners incarcerated in solitary confinement in Evin Ward 240 have launched a hunger strike following the prison officials’ failure to fulfill their promise to return them to the General Ward 350.

Incarcerated in solitary confinement and demanding to be returned to Ward 350, the following prisoners have launched an open ended hunger strike.

1 – Saeed Madani
2 – Abdollah Momeni
3 – Abolfazl Abedini Nasr
4 – Siyamak Ghaderi
5 – Amir Khosro Dalirsani
6 – Mohamad Hassan Yousefpour Seifi
7 – Saeed Abedini
8 – Kamran Ayazi
9 – Mohamad Ebrahimi
10-Poriya Ebrahimi

Following the transfer of these 10 political prisoners to solitary confinement on Sunday April 28, they had announced they would launch a hunger strike. But due to requests from their fellow prisoners and promises made by the officials, had delayed the launch of their hunger strike. However, due to failure of the officials to keep their promise to move them back to Ward 350, they started their hunger strike as of Monday night.

Reports indicate that these 10 prisoners are in complete isolation and are deprived of basic rights and recess time outside of their cell.

On Monday, the regular visitation day, the families of these prisoners were denied visits with them. Also on Monday, political prisoner Mohamad Amin Hadavi, in protest of the treatment of the 10 prisoners. refused to go to the visitation room .

According to reports, some of these prisoners are in poor health condition:
Saeed Madani is in need of gallbladder surgery.
Abdollah Momeni is suffering from kidney, gums and teeth problems.
Abolfazl Abedini Nasr is suffering from kidney and heart condition.
Saeed Abedini is suffering from gastrointestinal and digestive problems.
Mohamad Ebrahimi has a lung problem.

These prisoners have remained in solitary confinement since April 28, and the Deputy Warden, Javad Momeni, has made additional threats against them. Also, the Judiciary officials have told the wife of Abdollah Momeni that these prisoners will remain in solitary for 20 days.

By persianbanoo
Source: Kaleme