Six Ward 350 Political Prisoners Moved To Solitary Confinement



On Wednesday July 17, Ward 350 political prisoners Siyamak Ghaderi, Amir Khosro Dalirsani, Houtan Doulati, Nader Babaei, Mohamad Ebrahimi and Saeed Matinpour were moved to solitary confinement in Ward 240 of Evin prison.

This action by Evin prison authorities was taken following the protests that took place in Ward 350 over the unexpected transfer of Dr. Ali Nazari to Zabol prison.

The poor state of Dr. Nazari’s health condition while he unexpectedly was transferred on a stretcher out of Evin prison angered the political prisoners. They protested by singing anthems and chanting slogans such as, “Death to the dictator” and “Ya Hossein, Mir Hossein”.

The transfer of these prisoners to solitary confinement in a manner that was deceptive, and after being summoned to Evin Court, was on the direct order of Tehran’s district attorney.

Moving these six prisoners to solitary confinement took place while 44 political prisoners in response to the illegal transfer of Dr. Nazeri in a statement wrote: “We wish the authorities that, by their acts are themselves responsible for our country’s current plight, who must have seen the people’s reactions to their actions, both before and after the election, would, rather than continuing the past approach and continue to hold spite against the people, would heed the people’s demands and opinions, and compensate for their past actions.
By persianbanoo
Source: Kaleme

More information about the transfer of Dr. Nazari and the statement by 44 political prisoners click the link: (