Reformist Cleric Abdollah Nouri Calls Upon Iran’s Leaders to Respond to the Iranian Nation’s Demand to End the House Arrests & Incarcerations



Saturday July 13th, 2013 – Kaleme reports that reformist politician and cleric Abdollah Nouri has once again visited with Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard’s daughters.
After welcoming Mr. Nouri, the opposition leader’s daughters provided him with an update on their father’s latest medical condition, reiterating the importance of consistent, controlled and precise medical treatment and monitoring as it relates to the healthcare needs of both Mousavi and Rahnavard.One of Mousavi and Rahnavard’s daughters who had finally been granted visitation with her parents at the residence of Rahnavard’s mother, was also pleased to report that both her parents had been in very good spirits.

“With the release of the leaders of the Green Movement and political prisoners the blessed presence of the Iranian nation during the recent presidential elections will be completed,” said Abdollah Nouri.

While expressing a sense of hope Nouri added: “The newly elected leadership of the Executive Branch resulting from the 2013 presidential elections in which we witnessed the passionate presence of the Iranian nation at the voting booths and the subsequent victory celebrations, has culminated in an environment of hope and vitality across our land. I am hopeful that through wisdom, tact and tolerance, the ruling establishment will take the necessary measures that will ultimately lead to a higher level of stability and strengthen our national interests. One such important measure is the release of the honorable leaders of the Green Movement and all political prisoners behind bars; for such a measure will complete the blessed presence of our people in the recent presidential elections; a nation whose sense of hope and joy will only further deepen with the release of their loved ones.”

“It is my hope that the presence of the new members within the National Security Council will create an opening with regards to the house arrests and detentions,” said Nouri, adding: ” With the new leadership and the newly elected members of the National Security Council beginning their duties in the near future, I believe that this entity is best suited for tackling the house arrests and detentions. Furthermore, I am of the opinion that with the goal to further improve the domestic climate and infuse hope and tranquility throughout our society, this Council will not only set forth a measure to release our honorable leaders and political prisoners, a demand that has national appeal, but will also pursue such a measure until a result has been achieved. During the house arrest of Ayatollah Montazeri it was ultimately the conclusions of the ruling establishment and the recommendations of the National Security Council that deemed his release beneficial to all, leading to his ultimate release. At the time I also believed that Ayatollah Montazeri would express his opinions, whether under house arrest or free. It goes without saying that his statements while under house arrest were even more effective.”

Nouri added: ” I am hopeful that the new meetings of the National Security Council and its new members and the meetings of the heads of the three branches [judicial, legislative & executive branch] and the presence of Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani will result in improvement in our domestic, foreign, political, economic and cultural affairs and in particular lead to an opening in the detentions and house arrests. The events during the recent presidential elections have transformed Hashemi Rafsanjani as a political figure, increasing his effectiveness. Hashemi Rafsanjani and Rohani are in a position to act with tact and sympathy in support of the demands of the majority of the Iranian nation, resolving the issues at hand without anyone coming out as the loser, ensuring that everyone feels victorious. Should the ruling establishment decide to support the newly elected government in the resolution of the challenges facing our nation and the expectations of our nation of their newly elected government, it will take the necessary measures amongst other things, towards ensuring the release of all those detained and under house arrest.”

Though the road ahead is difficult and risky, we must nevertheless remain hopeful and refrain from making judgments,” said Abdollah Nouri. He added: “In order for the Reformists to achieve their goals they must remain hopeful and optimistic. They must strive to remain alongside the people and seek to listen to their problems. They must continue to be the harbingers of hope, reform and moderation across our society and amongst our people and God willing with the support of our nation their efforts will be fruitful. It goes without saying that the road ahead will be difficult and risky. We must nevertheless refrain from rushing to judgment while remaining hopeful. I am hopeful that our challenges will be resolved with the establishment of an appropriate and peaceful climate. It may very well be that the time is not yet right for the resolution of all the challenges we face, but we must remain hopeful that at the right time many of the difficulties we face shall be resolved. The reports provided to the leadership of the ruling establishment today are through the existing channels within the current government. With the changing of the guard and the newly elected government, these reports and the analysis will also change, leading to a different outcome. The ruling establishment may also revisit the issues at hand and come to the conclusion that it is better to revise their position vis-a-vis the continued house arrest of Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi and Zahra Rahnavard and the detention of all other political prisoners. After all it was under this same system of government that the late Ayatollah Montazeri was first put under house arrest and subsequently released.”

In closing Abdollah Nouri called upon the ruling establishment to put an end to the house arrests and detentions and in doing be the catalyst for joy and happiness for millions of Iranians. Nouri reiterated: “One can argue that the release of Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi is a national demand, for in every social gathering the slogans chanted by the people have been in relation to the need to lift the house arrest. In an effort to respond to the demands of the majority of the Iranian nation and broaden the depth and breadth of our national unity and national interests, it would be advisable for the leaders of the ruling establishment to end the house arrests and detentions and in doing so lead to the joy and happiness of millions of Iranians across our beloved land.”
By banooyesabz