Tag: Mir Hossein Mousavi

Mir Hossein Mousavi: “I stand ready to expose the source of the extensive corruption that has engulfed our nation and our revolution.”

   A Defiant Mir Hossein Mousavi from House Arrest: “I stand ready to expose the source of the extensive corruption that has engulfed our nation and our revolution.” In his first political statement since forced into illegal house arrest, Mir Hossein Mousavi, the Leader of Iran’s Green Movement responds to the recent wave of accusation, […]

Opposition leader gets medical care after daughters protest

  Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, who has been under house arrest for over three years, has begun medical treatments following a two-week delay. Mousavi’s daughters reportedly told the opposition website Kaleme, in a report published on Thursday, that they met with their parents on May 14 and were told that the authorities have […]

Narges Mousavi: My Parents Were Perfectly Healthy Prior to their House Arrest ~ We are Highly Suspicious of the Unhealthy Conditions Behind Closed Doors at Akhtar Prison!

  Tuesday April 30th 2014 – Narges Mousavi, Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s youngest daughter has informed Kaleme that her father was taken to the hospital with out the knowledge of his daughters. She reiterates that both her mother and father had no specific ailment prior to their house arrest, adding that their medical conditions […]

Detained Opposition Leader Mousavi Rushed to Hospital

  Former presidential candidate and opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, who has been held extra-judicially under house arrest for more than three years, was taken to hospital today for urgent heart complications, according to reports from Iran that the Campaign has independently confirmed. Mousavi, 72, who suffers from cardiac problems, was transferred to Tehran’s Heart […]

Emad Bahavar’s Eyewitness Account of The Brutal Attack On Ward 350 Political Prisoners

  On April 17, 2014 Ward 350 of Evin prison was raided and the political prisoners brutally attacked and beaten resulting in many serious injuries. Below is translation of a letter written by political prisoner Emad Bahavar giving an eyewitness account of the portion of the raid that he witnessed. I feel as though pain […]

U.S. Calls For Release Of Iran’s Opposition Leaders

  Washington is calling on Tehran to release three Iranian opposition leaders who have been under house arrest since 2011 without being formally charged with any crime. The U.S. State Department issued the call on February 14 – marking the third anniversary of the detention of former presidential candidates and opposition leaders Mehdi Karrubi and […]

Zahra Rahnavard : Associating the Green Movement with Foreign Powers is Denying the Facts

  The Leaders of the Green Movement remain steadfast despite the recent wave of attacks by the regime’s propaganda machine.January 4th, 2014 [Kaleme]- Despite the severe and unprecedented recent wave of attacks by the media outlets associated with Iran’s ruling establishment against the detained leaders of the Green Movement, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard’s […]

Ward 350 Raided By 150 Guards Destroying Prisoner’s Property And Part of The Facility

  More than 150 Evin prison guards, reinforced with guards from Ghezelhesar prison, raided Ward 350 at Evin prison, engaging in inspection of prisoners’ personal effects and even the destruction of the facilities, such as removing the air conditioners, the air ducts and electrical cables. They then went to the prayer room and threw Qurans […]

Reformist Cleric Abdollah Nouri Calls Upon Iran’s Leaders to Respond to the Iranian Nation’s Demand to End the House Arrests & Incarcerations

  Saturday July 13th, 2013 – Kaleme reports that reformist politician and cleric Abdollah Nouri has once again visited with Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard’s daughters.After welcoming Mr. Nouri, the opposition leader’s daughters provided him with an update on their father’s latest medical condition, reiterating the importance of consistent, controlled and precise medical treatment […]