Narges Mousavi: My Parents Were Perfectly Healthy Prior to their House Arrest ~ We are Highly Suspicious of the Unhealthy Conditions Behind Closed Doors at Akhtar Prison!

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Tuesday April 30th 2014 – Narges Mousavi, Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s youngest daughter has informed Kaleme that her father was taken to the hospital with out the knowledge of his daughters. She reiterates that both her mother and father had no specific ailment prior to their house arrest, adding that their medical conditions surfaced post house arrest under unusual and suspicious circumstances. According to Mousavi’s daughter, no one within ruling establishment has taken responsibility for the illegal house arrest of her parents and the prison guards have done something to make them ill. Narges Mousavi is suspicious of the conditions of her parents’ house arrest and believes that the environment at Akhtar prison is unhealthy and unsafe. Though Mir Hossein’s youngest daughter has not been made privy to the details of her father’s medical condition, she reiterates that despite the fact that her father’s health took a turn for the worse on Saturday, security forces refused to take him to the hospital until Tuesday.

The content of Narges Mousavi’s interview with Kaleme is as follows:

Do you have any news of your father’s latest medical condition?
I only found out about this latest episode a half hour ago. My father has not been feeling well for a long time. Everyone was aware that he had developed a heart condition during these past three years of house arrest and yet they kept delaying and postponing his treatment. His health apparently took a turn for the worse on Saturday and they did nothing. We were kept in the dark until a half hour ago.

When was your last visit with your parents? Have you been contacted regarding a possible visitation?
Today would have been one of our routine visitation days. I was anxiously waiting [to hear from them] all morning. I don’t know why, but felt extremely out of sorts all morning. Of course we then received the news that he had been hospitalized. We have no idea how he is doing and what specific procedures have been performed. We don’t know if he’s undergone a stent implant, whether any of his arteries are blocked, or what the nature of his ailment is. We are completely in the dark. They have provided us with no information what so ever! This despite the fact that it is our right to know about our father’s well being. They have no shame. They won’t allow us to speak to them on the phone, nor have they told us which hospital he has been transferred to.

I went to work today and was busy with day to day activities and all along I had no idea that my father had been on a hospital bed. To whom should I express my grief and pain? They specialize in secrecy. They did exactly the same thing the last time father was not feeling well. I would like to reiterate that it is they who have rendered my mother and father ill while imposing an illegal house arrest; a sentence that does not even exist under our legal system.

Given the series of events that have occurred what exactly are your demands?
Our demands are clear. We seek the unconditional release of our parents and accountability by those who have wasted their lives for the past four years. There are so many facts we have chosen not to make public. We remain extremely suspicious of the unhealthy environment behind the closed doors at Akhtar prison. They have completely closed off one side of the house. They have locked all the doors and divided the road and no one has any idea what is happening on the other side of the walls. Every time we demand to know what is going on, we are told that all is fine. My gut feeling is (and I’m not sure how scientific this gut feeling is) that there is something unhealthy and infected about the environment at Akhtar street that has led to our parents becoming so ill. I don’t know what authority or who exactly can investigate this matter, but I have a strong feeling something is not right.

I don’t know of any authority within the establishment that has had the courage to take responsibility for this house arrest. No one has taken responsibility. There is either a lack of accountability or people are afraid. We direct our words however to the people of Iran. We want our people to know that if anything happens to our parents, it is the regime that will be held responsible. We urge people to inform the public so that everyone is aware of our predicament.
By banooyesabz
Source: Kaleme