Mir Hossein Mousavi: “I stand ready to expose the source of the extensive corruption that has engulfed our nation and our revolution.”



 A Defiant Mir Hossein Mousavi from House Arrest: “I stand ready to expose the source of the extensive corruption that has engulfed our nation and our revolution.”

In his first political statement since forced into illegal house arrest, Mir Hossein Mousavi, the Leader of Iran’s Green Movement responds to the recent wave of accusation, lies and fabrications published in pro-regime media outlets, reiterating: “The seditious and insurgent are those who have ransacked the empty pockets of the poor, the underprivileged and the oppressed and caused the massive corruption we are currently witnessing in our country.”

Mir Hossein Mousavi who has been abreast of the recent, extensive media campaign launched by pro-regime media outlets against the companions of the Green Movement, has referred to the lies and false accusations such as being involved in a sedition against the regime, a result of the impiety and weakness of those who lie and deceive. “From the onset of our house arrest my wife and I have repeatedly informed the authorities [via our prison guards] of our readiness to stand trial in an impartial and public court of law,” Mousavi stated, adding: “I stand before you ready to respond to the false allegations against me and to expose the source of the extensive corruption that has engulfed our nation and our revolution.”

Mir Hossein Mousavi and his wife Zahra Rahnavard have been under illegal house arrest for close to four years; neither Mousavi, nor Rahnavard have been officially charged with committing a crime, nor have they been provided access to due process in a court of law since the onset of their house arrest. Despite this obvious disregard for the law Mousavi insists: “The recent claims that that we have been officially charged are false. We have repeatedly demanded the presence of a judicial authority to determine our legal rights and to investigate the illegal entry of [security agents] and their presence in our home over the past several months without a court order. Despite the numerous promises made, no action has been taken to date,” said Mousavi.

“Those who have insisted on creating baseless accusations and referring to the maturity and growth of a nation as a handful of imbeciles wreaking havoc across the nation, now find themselves in the unenviable position of having to deny the pervasive, nationwide corruption, relying instead on psychological warfare and launching convoys of fabrications designed to divert the public opinion from the dangers facing our nation as a result of all the decline and corruption,” Mousavi insisted.

By banooyesabz

Source: Kaleme http://www.kaleme.com/1393/10/06/klm-205874/