Zahra Rahnavard : Associating the Green Movement with Foreign Powers is Denying the Facts



The Leaders of the Green Movement remain steadfast despite the recent wave of attacks by the regime’s propaganda machine.
January 4th, 2014 [Kaleme]- Despite the severe and unprecedented recent wave of attacks by the media outlets associated with Iran’s ruling establishment against the detained leaders of the Green Movement, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard’s daughters were reportedly allowed to visit with their parents this week. As customary, the visit took place in the building next to Mousavi and Rahnavard’s residence.

Although Rahnavard’s medical condition remains untreated, and Mousavi himself had expressed concern over his wife’s physical ailments last week, their daughters report that both Rahnavard and Mousavi are in strong spirits and they were allowed to call Rahnavard’s mother and Mousavi’s sister during the visit that lasted slightly over an hour.

Upon hearing the concern expressed by her daughters over her deteriorating health, Rahnavard responded: “The peace, happiness and well being of our people is more important than our health and our lives. We are hopeful that the myriad of challenges facing our nation are resolved so that our country can stand tall and continue to prosper.” While reiterating the fact that those who have been detained are the mothers and fathers of the Revolution and parents by nature are therefore never strangers to their offspring, Rahnavard once again described the Green Movement as a reform and justice seeking movement that arose from within the Islamic Republic, rejecting claims that associate the Green Movement with foreign powers and inflammatory conduct, adding that this type of propaganda is nothing but denying the truth.

The detained opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi who has followed the biased propaganda and slander dominating the Islamic Republic’s National Radio and Television (the IRIB) made references to his statement number 17 describing the true events that occurred on Ashura of 2009, adding that despite the false propaganda and contradictions, the level of social awareness has only continued to increase.

Mousavi and Rahnavard’s family members continue to object to the fact that they have been deprived of the basic rights afforded any prisoner including the legal right to weekly telephone calls.

By banooyesabz

Source: Kaleme