Ward 350 Raided By 150 Guards Destroying Prisoner’s Property And Part of The Facility



More than 150 Evin prison guards, reinforced with guards from Ghezelhesar prison, raided Ward 350 at Evin prison, engaging in inspection of prisoners’ personal effects and even the destruction of the facilities, such as removing the air conditioners, the air ducts and electrical cables. They then went to the prayer room and threw Qurans on the floor and even scattered pages from some of the Qurans on the floor.

According to reports by the Kaleme website, on Thursday, more than 150 Evin prison guards, reinforced by guardsfrom Ghezelhesar prison, supervised by Colonel Aminian, (the commander of the special unit of Evin prison, and the commander of Tehran’s prison guard), along with several of the Intelligence Ministry’s operation forces, raided Ward 350 in the early morning hours while the prisoners were asleep.

After performing body searches of the prisoners, they threw them out of the Ward on the pretence of performing an inspection of the Ward. They then engaged in vandalism and destruction of the prisoner’s personal effects. They also stole prisoner’s valuables and even went so far as destruction of the facility by opening the air conditioning units, removing the air ducts and electrical cables.

In this unusual and unprecedented raid, even the prayer room was not immune from their attack. They desecrated the Quran by throwing it in the middle of the floor, and even scattered some of the pages on the floor as well.

According to this report, all of this destruction was shown to the prison authorities after the unusual raid.

Now it remains to be seen how the country’s officials (that raise their voice in high protest and cry Disrespect Of Islam every time the Quran is desecrated in other countries), will react to this blatant desecration of Quran in Evin prison.

The political prisoners, in protest of this inspection and raid, sang nationalistic anthems and chanted slogans such as “Ya Hossein, Mir Hossein”, and “Long Live Karoubi, Long Live Mousavi”.

The recent unrest at Ward 350 started when political prisoner Dr. Ali Nazeri, who was in poor health, was moved out of the prison on a stretcher and transferred to Zabol prison.

Following this action, the prisoners protested, and wrote a statement of protest. This resulted in 6 of the prisoners being moved to solitary confinement.


Source: Kaleme