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My Son’s Life Is In Danger, Says Father of Imprisoned HR Activist Hossein Ronaghi Maleki



The father of imprisoned political prisoner, Hossein Ronaghi Maleki, has written a letter to Tehran’s District Attorney, explaining in detail his son’s situation .

According to reports on the Kaleme website, Hossein Ronaghi has recently encountered gastrointestinal bleeding due to the lack of proper nutrition and lack of access to his treating physicians, and is therefore unable to take needed medication for his prostate and kidney diseases.

According to previously published reports, despite Hossein’s suffering from kidney malfunction and prostate and bladder inflammation, he was ordered back to prison by the District Attorney prior to the recent presidential election.

Hossein Ronaghi Maleki was among those arrested after the 2009 disputed presidential election. He was arrested by IRGC Intelligence and tried at Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court presided by Judge Pirabbasi, and was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment.

Last August, while Ronaghi was on his first medical furlough, he, his brother and his father (Hassan and Ahmad Ronaghi), along with 33 other earthquake aid workers were arrested in the Sarand earthquake relief camp in the earthquake-stricken area of Azarbaijan.

Following is the full text of the letter as provided to Kaleme published on their website today:

In the name of the Almighty

May 21, 2013

Hereby, I respectfully inform you that during my son’s surgery, the honorable IRGC agents and the prison officials were present. His surgery lasted some hours. Post-operation he went into a coma and did not come out of the coma for several days.

I extend my sincere gratitude to your excellency and all those who helped secure my son’s previous medical furlough.

Dear Sir, the last furlough request I faxed to you was on May 14, 2013. After I contacted the District Attorney’s office, I was informed my son’s furlough extension request had been denied and that he must return to prison. My son was ordered to report back to prison on May 21, 2013.

Dear Sir, my son suffers from kidney malfunction. In order to save his right kidney he must be under the constant care of a specialist. Therefore, I request of your excellency, the officials of the Islamic Republic and the official in charge of Hossein Ronaghi Maleki’s case, that the request be granted for a medical furlough in order to save his life.

As the honorable District Attorney and the officials of the Islamic Republic are well aware, the Divine law and the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran attach great value to the health of human life.

Dear Mr. District Attorney, I hereby inform you that if my son remains in prison his life will be at risk and he is in danger of losing his kidney.

Again, I urgently request that the honorable District Attorney, the prison officials and the official in charge of Hossein Ronaghi’s case immediately take legal action.

All of the medical records are at the country’s medical examiner’s office located on Beheshti street, at other medical examiner’s offices, the district attorney’s office and at Evin prison.


Sayd Ahmad Ronaghi, father of Sayed Hossein Ronaghi
May 21, 2013


1- Mr. Pirabbasi, Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court, for information and legal action

2- Head of the implementation department at Evin prison, for information and legal action

3- Official in charge of Hossein Ronaghi Maleki’s case, for information and legal action

3- Head to the Evin prison infirmary, for information and legal action

4- Head of Judiciary’s Commission of Human Rights, Mr. Larijani, for information and legal action

5- President of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Human Rights Commission, for information and legal action

Letter from Ronaghi's father
By persianbanoo
Source: Kaleme