Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (03/08/2013)



Reactions to the violation of Human Rights in Iran

1. The criticism of Mahmood Vahid Niya, a student activist, in the presence of the Supreme Leader On Sunday 28th of July, during a meeting between more than thousand students and Ayatullah Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mr Niya questioned Mr Khamenei by saying “despite publicising the legal charges and investigation on the attacks to the university campus, there has always existed a question in the mind of students and that is why the real culprit who entered the privacy of students and committed such a grave crime and brought shame to the regime have not been named!!?”
2. On Friday 26th of July, The Human Rights Watch organisation, the Amnesty International, and the Iran Human Rights Documentation Centre issued a statement to protest against the death sentence of four Arabic-speaking youngsters, with charges of warfare. In this statement, they requested for a fair trial and cancellation of the death penalty of the youngsters.
3. Last week, the Human Rights Watch announced that the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran must revoke the sentences against the 11 Gonabadi Dervishes who have been convicted in unfair trials.
4. The mother of Sattar Beheshti, while criticising the handling of her son’s court case for the second time, indicated that Hossein Ronaghi-Malaki, one of political prisoners had shown willingness to attend the court as a witness to give testimony on what Sattar Beheshti went through in the prison. The mother of Sattar Beheshti added that the intelligence services summoned Mrs Poor-Fazel, the lawyer of Sattar Beheshti’s family to the office and asked her to sign a pledge never to interview any sort of media regarding Sattar Beheshti’s case, whether inside or outside of the country.
Women’s Rights
1. Motahareh Bahrami Haghighi, a political prisoner in the female section of Evin Prison is most likely to become paralysed due to lack of health care and medical support.
Universities and Academics
1. Over the past month, more than 13 students of the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences have been summoned to the Intelligence Ministry. The majority of these students were active member of Mr Rohani’s campaign committee in Shiraz.
2. Reportedly, the licence of a student organization named “Bidad” in the Azad University of Karaj, that supported Hassan Rohani during the presidential campaign, was cancelled.
3. On Saturday 27th of July, Maryam Shafighpoor, a star student of the International University of Qazvin, was arrested by the security forces. So far, she has not been able to contact any members of her family.
Workers and vulnerable communities
1. The Secretary Labour House of Yazd informed about the closure of Kasra’s carpet factory and hence the unemployment of 120 of permanent and temporary workers from this factory.
2. On Sunday 28th July 2013, employees of Kian Tire gathered to demonstrate against giving back the Factory to its previous owner
3. Morteza Rayhanian, a labour activist in the city of Zanjan warned the consequence of the unpaid debts of Iran Teransfoo factory by the Ministry of Energy threatens the occupational safety of 2,800 employees in this factory.
4. The speaker of the workers of Vegetable Oil Factory of Golnaz reported of uncertainty of 1500 workers of the factory, following accurance of widespread fire in the manufacturing unit.
5. The syndicate of sugar cane workers of Haft-Tappeh in Ahvaz informed about hunger strike of more than 500 workers of this company that started on Monday 29th July.
6. On Wednesday 31st July 2013, a group of nurses and healthcare staffs from the hospital of Shohadaye Khalij Fars in the city of Bushehr, have protested against not being paid the full amount of their wages and salaries
7. 2400 workers of “Saveh Profil” and “Safa Tube Rolling” factories have not received their wages for four and two months respectively.
8. The drivers of large trucks transporting sand and gravel have begun a hunger strike at the entrance of the Jam city in protest against low wages, lack of rise of wages for transporting sand and gravel since the beginning of 2012 and lack of fuel (Diesel) in the city of jam up to a point where some fuel stations refuse to give their daily fuel quota.
9. Mohamadreza Niknejad, a union activist announced that there has been one week delay in the payment of teachers’ salaries in some provinces including Tehran.
The Sentences: Execution Flogging, amputation, imprisonment and custody
1. According to the reports, the head of justice of Miandoab city claimed that on Sunday 28th July 2013, a prisoner accused of drug trafficking was hanged in the central prison of Miandoab city,
2. On Sunday 28th July the security officers went to the workplace and house of Mohammad-Reza Esmaeili-Pour, in order to arrest him.
3. Furthermore, due to a feeling of jealousy, a man named Ali murdered his friend, and following the approval of the Supreme Court to the sentence, he will be executed.
4. On Wednesday 31st July 2013, Nematollah Behroozi the Head of justice of Abadan city announced that a person accused of theft has been sentenced to hand amputation.
The rights of the ethnic variation and conscience followers in Iran
1. Following setting on fire of the two followers of Yaresan by themselves on Friday 2nd and Tuesday 6th of August in front of the governor of Hamadan, a 22 year old follower of Yaresan (Ahle Hagh) from Ghazvin named Mohamad Ghanbari set himself on fire in front of the Islamic parliament in protest against the indifference of the regime about the problems of the followers of this religion and passed away.
2. Shamim Ettehadi, a Bahai citizen from Yazd, who has been in prison since February 2013, was sentenced to five years imprisonment, 75 whip lashes, and a fine of four million tomans.
3. Last week the body of Mohammad Ghanbari, a Yarsan faith follower, who was transferred on Sunday 28th of July by the security forces to his house in the village of Takestan of Ghazvin, was buried this morning at the presents of hundreds of his fellow faith followers.
4. On Monday 29th of July, the case of 8 Sunni prisoners, Pouriya Mohammadi, Omid Peivand, Mokhtar Rahimi, Bahman Rahimi, Mohamad-yavar Rahimi, Shahram Ahmadi, Mohammad Gharibi and Faramarz Shahnazari, who had been sentenced to death, was rejected by the Supreme Court and returned to the branch 27 of the revolutionary court.
5. On Tuesday 30th of July, the border Security force in Salmas city, attacked 4 Kurdish citizens and beat them up.
6. Following the approval of death sentence of four Arab youths with the names of Ghazi Abasi, Abdul-reza Amir-khanafereh, Abdul-amir Mohadami and Jasem Moghadam, by the Supreme Court from Shadegan city of Ahvaz, these prisoners are spending their time in the Karoon prison and are at the risk of implementation of their sentence.
7. Most teeths of, Mohsen Jaldiyani, a 53 years old Kurdish political prisoner from the city of Oshnaviyeh, have decayed and the prison doctors have recommended that he should be refered to a general hospital for treatment. However, despite the efforts of this prisoner and his family, so far the prison authorities and intelligence officers have rejected this recommendation.

Media and cyberspace
1. News indicates that the Abadan city book fair, was shut down by a group known as the Aid Committee of the city.
2. On Saturday 27th of July, Abolfazl Abedini, a journalist and human rights activist was transferred to Karoon prison in the city of Ahvaz without any prior notice, and in protest to this abrupt transition, Mr Abedini started a hunger strike.
3. Babak Roghani a Namini resident in north west Iran was sustained to a fine of 2 million ( tooman) because he was active in face book.
4. Hossein Sajdynya the chief police of greater Tehran reported the shutting down of 67 internet café because of the “irregularities”, but he did not elaborate any further.
5. More than a month after the arrest of Ahmed Askari, a Journalist the exact location where he is kept is unknown.
Other human rights violations
1. Seyed Mohammad Ebrahimi, an imprisoned person and a supporter of mothers’ of Laleh Park who suffers from kidney pain and respirational discomfort and has been recommended by doctors for treatment in a general hospital, has been refused by officials to be transfered.
2. Rasoul Bogaghi, who suffers from severe pain in the head and eyes, still faces lack of consideration for his treatment from the officials.
3. Doctors of the ward 350 of the Evin prison warned of poor health condition of Ahmad Daneshpour Moghadam who was arrested in 2009 green movement.
4. Hamid Farrokh Nejad, a cinema actor reported of cancellation of the memorial ceremony of the missing climbers, due to refusal of officials in issuing permission.
5. According to report received, Mahmoud Fazli, Ayat Mehr Ali Byglo, Latif Hasani, Behbod Gholizadeh and Shahram Radmehr who were on hunger strike from 13 July in the central prison in Tabriz city and were initially deported to Evin prison and then to Rajaei Shahr prison in Karaj, are in dire physical condition.
6. Mohammad Hassan Yousuf porsifi, a human rights activist imprisoned in ward 350 of Evin prison is in need of immediate surgery.
7. According to the news received, Ayatolah Honarvar Shojaei because of frequent fits and epileptic attacks and hospitalization after stroke while being in the Martyrs hospital, Tajrish, Tehran last winter, in April of this year was sent to the official medical centre with handcuff on.
8. Tehran prosecutor, despite deterioration in health of Hossain Ronaghi Maleki, a political prisoner in Evin Prison, rejected the demands of his family for his leave.
9. Sohyl Babadi is a prisoner in section 350 of Evin prison, who has been in uncertainty for more than 15 months. The charges of this prisoner are blasphemy, gathering to plan against the country, insulting the Imam and supreme leader and propaganda against the regime.