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Four Gonabadi Dervishes on Trial in Kavar Town



Yesterday morning on 15 Mordad 1392 ( August, 6, 2013) four Gonabadi Dervishes were taken to the Kavar’s General Court to probe their charges.
According to Majzooban Noor, 4 imprisoned Dervishes at AdelAbad prison, Mohsen Esmaeeli, Seyed Ebrahim Bahrami, Mohammad Ali Sadeghi and Mohammad Ali Dehghan were tried by Judge Kashkouli in the Branch 1 of General Court of Kavar with the presence of their lawyers, Messrs. Harsini, Nazari and Sadeghi.
The Dervishes have been charged with “the formation of terrorist group against the regime,” “participating in the gatherings with the aim of overthrowing the Islamic Republic,” “Moharebeh (“enmity against the God”) and “carrying illegal weapons”!
It should be noted that, under tight security, jailed Dervishes were taken to court in handcuffs and leg shackles. A large number of Gonabadi Dervishes in solidarity with imprisoned Dervishes had gathered outside of the court. Also, cleric Shahbazi and Ghaemi, the principal offenders of Kavar events had attended the hearing.
These Gonabadi Dervishes who were arrested on 10 Ordibehesht 1392 (April 30 2013) have been put under physical and psychological pressure and torture in Shiraz Intelligence Detention Centre, known as No.100 (Plaque 100/Pelak sad). Their family members photos were misused to threaten them in order to create fear and panic and make prisoners confess. They have been treated harshly, insulted, threatened with being hanged and even their beliefs and great masters of Nematollahi Gonabadi order have been insulted by prison officials. All these ill-treatment and violence have led to serious problems such as stomach bleeding, back pain, kidney pain and even neurological disorders.

In September 2011, the hardliners gathered before the houses of the Dervishes in Kavar town in Fars Province, insulting them resulted in a contention in which a Dervish (Vahid Banani) was killed by shot and several were wounded. Since then there have been a great amount of arrest and pressure on Gonabadi Dervishes during which 100 have been arrested, tortured and tried. The arrests are still continuing but despite all complaint of Dervishes there is no arrest and judiciary process on those who caused all these conflicts.