The Supreme Court Has Overturned The 10 Imprisonment Sentence Of Political Prisoner Emad Bahavar



The ten year imprisonment sentence of political prisoner Emad Bahavar has been overturned by the Supreme Court, and the case has been sent back to the Appeals Court.

After Bahavar’s defense attorneys presented their case to the Supreme Court, the Court ruled in favor of the defense, overturning the ten year imprisonment sentence and ordered the case back to the Appeals Court.

Emad Bahavar, was Chairman of the Youth Branch of the Freedom Movement of Iran and an activist in Mir Hossein Mousavi’s 2009 presidential campaign. He was arrested on March 13, 2010 and later tried and sentenced by Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court to 10 years imprisonment.

In June 2011, Branch 31 of the Supreme Court headed by Judge Jafari accepted to review Bahavar’s case. However, the case was not sent to the Supreme Court for review until June of 2013.

After reviewing the case, Branch 31 of the Supreme Court accepted the objections raised by the defense, overturned the 10 year sentence, and ordered the case back to Branch 36 of the Court of Appeals presided by Judge Zargar.

Emad Bahavar has been incarcerated at Evin prison for more than three and a half years, during which time he was granted only one short furlough during the last Iranian New Year.
By persianbanoo
Source: Kaleme