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Rohani Says ‘Win-Win’ Deal Possible



Iranian President Hassan Rohani has said his country is ready to strike a deal with world powers over its nuclear program, but that time is limited.

Rohani said Iran is “ready for the win-win game,” and suggested fresh talks could take place when he travels to New York later this month to address the UN General Assembly.

But Rohani also cautioned that Tehran will not give up the “people’s right” to a nuclear program “one bit.”

In his remarks quoted by IRNA news agency, Rohani urged the West to change its policies, including withdrawing economic sanctions imposed on Iran over the nuclear program.

He said “the job” of reaching a nuclear accord “will not be done without respect.”

The last round of talks with the big powers — the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany – was held in April in Kazakhstan, before Rohani’s election, and both sides have said they want to continue soon.

Iran denies Western charges it is secretly developing nuclear weapons.

Based on reporting by AP and Reuters