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Court of Appeal Reviews Gonabadi Dervish, Mehran Rahbari Case



Gonabadi Dervish, Mehran Rahbari appeared in court again yesterday to appeal the conviction and sentencing which were handed down to him in May 2013 .
According to Majzooban Noor, the court hearing to review Mehran Rahbari’s case with charges of “gathering and colluding to disturb national security”, presided over by judge Salimi was held in Tehran Appeals Court, Branch 36 yesterday on 14th of Shahrivar 1392 (Sep 15 2013).
He defended himself against this charge in the presence of his lawyers at the hearing, Messrs. Amlashi, Gholami and Harsini.
It should be mentioned that, Branch 15 of the Tehran Revolutionary Court presided over by judge Salavati has already sentenced Mehran Rahbari to 2 years in prison on charges of “gathering and colluding against national security”, but his lawyers objected to the verdict and requested for a hearing court of appeal. So the case is being looked into in the appeal court.
Mehran Rahbari was arrested along with more than 15 other lawyers and managers of Majzooban Noor website ( Nematollah Gonabadi Order News Website) in Shahrivar 1390 (September 2011) in Tehran and he was released on bail after enduring more than one month behind bars in solitary confinement in Ward 209 of Evin prison.
Among those detainees who are collaborators of Majzooban Noor website, Mostafa Abdi was sentenced to three years in prison by Tehran’s Revolutionary Court, Ali Moazzami has been sentenced to two years imprisonment, Ali-Reza Roshan sentenced to 1 year in prison and 4 years suspended sentence and Nosrat Tabasi, was sentenced to six months imprisonment and four years and six months of suspended jail term, each on similar charges.