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Tag: case

Court of Appeal Reviews Gonabadi Dervish, Mehran Rahbari Case

  Gonabadi Dervish, Mehran Rahbari appeared in court again yesterday to appeal the conviction and sentencing which were handed down to him in May 2013 .According to Majzooban Noor, the court hearing to review Mehran Rahbari’s case with charges of “gathering and colluding to disturb national security”, presided over by judge Salimi was held in […]

Violations Which Is Done In The Case Of A Gonabadi Dervish; From Arrest To Trial

    Based on previous reports sometime ago Branch 3 of Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge “Mr.Rashidi” tried Gonabadi dervish, Kasra Nouri on the charges of “interviews with foreign media”,”Propaganda against the regime”, “insulting the leadership”, “membership of deviant group: Majzooban Noor!”

Iran: Death penalty for every case – ethnic protests, prisoners of conscience, drinking alcohol…

    Karim Lahidji, vice president of FIDH and president of LDDHI, said : “The authorities in the Islamic Republic of Iran are relentlessly pursuing their policy of state terror against any form of dissent by imposing and implementing the death penalty.

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