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Iran says sanction against Central Bank “unfounded”


Iran’s Central Bank Governor Mahmoud Bahmani called possible sanction on the bank by foreigners “an unfounded measure.” His comments came after some US senators signed a letter to the US President Barack Obama pressing him to sanction Iran’s Central Bank.

“Iranian Central Bank is not linked to the government, it belongs to the nation and that is why it sometimes acts independently. Everybody should know that nations should not be sanctioned,” he said on Monday.
Also concerning Iran’s measures in case of sanctions against the bank he said, “such an act (imposition of sanction) is unfair and the countries imposing sanctions will be criticized by other countries.”
The UN Security Council has imposed four sets of sanctions against Iran so far over its refusal to halt peaceful nuclear program.
The embargo mainly targets Iran’s banking and energy sectors as well as insurance and shipping industry.
Iran insists its enrichment work only seeks peaceful purposes, whereas the West claims that Iran is after nuclear weapon.

 Source: ISNA_URK